Friday, October 12, 2018

Cheers to the Weekend, Feels Like Fall Edition

Hip, Hip, Hooray!!! It actually, truly feels like Fall today! I think our upper 80s/low 90s temps have actually hit the road. Good thing, since we're nearly halfway through October! This week was a bit of a strange one, as Bella was home from school sick on Wednesday, and then school was cancelled for all four kids yesterday, due to Hurricane Matthew and the 50 mile-per-hour wind gusts he rudely brought with him. We were lucky not to suffer any damage but are thinking of, and praying for, all those who were affected in Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas. <3

We are ready for a packed full weekend, one that will include dinner with our LifeGroup tonight, football, cheer, and soccer at 8:00, 9:00, and 10:00 tomorrow morning, our annual visit to our sweet town's Fall Frolic, family photos, my last long training run before my half-marathon, community and church volunteering, and....a very restful Sunday to recuperate from all that madness- ha! 

And we are hoping for a little more of this:

...and a little less of this:

So, here's to good health and good fun! Before we kick off the fun, a few things we're saying CHEERS to as we welcome in the glorious Fall weekend: 

Health. Banks had a great 9-year-old well-check appointment earlier this week. Since bringing Bella home and facing medical challenges and question marks over the last year, I NEVER take for granted hearing the word "Healthy!" anymore!!! And at 4'7", he is now just one foot shorter than his momma. I'm happy he's growing but I am not looking forward to the day I have to literally look UP to him! 

And like I mentioned, poor Bella had a rough go of it this week. She battled a fever virus for a couple days and was up much of the night last night, BUT I am so thankful that we are here to give her all the TLC she needs to feel better. <3

Panthers. Last Sunday, Harrison and I joined one of my good girlfriends, and two of her sons (one of whom is one of Harrison's best buddies) to go the Panthers game. It just so happened to turn into the BEST NFL GAME EVER with the BEST ENDING EVER by our favorite kicker. It was such a great day with friends we love!

Fall mode. Now that the weather is officially Fall-like, I am ready for allllllll the Fall things! We've put out our Halloween decor, ordered our costumes, decorated our Haunted (cookie) House, got Boo'd and Boo'd back two neighbors, will be Fall Frolic-ing this weekend, and I am consuming every pumpkin-flavored thing I can get my hands on #basic. And I'm loving it ALL!

Fun with friends. Last Friday, my hub and I, and some good friends, went to see a Guns N' Roses coverband. I thought my hub was looking quite the part! 

Bella and I had fun with some of Harrison's buddies (and mine!), too, when joining him for his field trip last Friday. We visited a pumpkin patch and had a great time - even though the temps were still quite summery at that point!

And that's it, y'all! Have a fantastic weekend, enjoy this beautiful weekend, and I hope you find some Fall fun to get into. Be back soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Whew!! And now I’m ready for a nap!! Have a great weekend! God bless!!
