Friday, March 20, 2020

Fear says, "What if?" Faith says, "Even if."

I have tried, over and over, to write this post. I have written and deleted, written and deleted. Over and over again. I have picked up my laptop and logged into my website, only to close it again, frustrated, stuck, unsure, anxious

And so, I think, there is only one thing I want to say right now, while I continue to process what is happening all around us. 

Fear says, "What if?"
Faith says, "Even if."
-Author Unknown

None of this is a surprise to God. And He has got us all in His hands. Sending light and faith to those who may need a little extra dose right now. <3

Back soon, friends...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, girl, Yes!
    Difficult days ahead. I don't really know how to feel about it most of the time but even if you just write out your thoughts and NOT hit that publish button, it helps to get them out ;)
    this is hard.
