Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Hello, 2020-21 School Year

Whelp. As of August 31st/September 1st, I have now entered the only school year that ALL FOUR OF MY KIDDOS will be in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, albeit not quite together. 

You see, Bella attends kindergarten at a different elementary school, where they are equipped to provide her the learning environment and therapies to help her rock her school year. And homegirl is LOVING it!!! By law, she was immediately able to start the school year by attending five days a week, so that all the services and therapies outlined in her Individualized Education Plan (IEP) are offered. 

Meanwhile, my Big 3 are attending our familiar, beloved elementary school. For them, the first four weeks entail A days and B days, such that kids with last names that begin with the letters A-K attend "A days" and those with L-Z last names attend "B days." So, every other day, all four of my kiddos are in school. And then the other days, my Big 3 do their work at home while Bella still goes to school in-person. My kiddos are loving being back in the school building, even with the precautions and "family model" in place (i.e., they stay in their classroom, with the same students and teacher, for the entire day (with the exception of recess)). 

And that is how our school year is looking so far. We are beyond grateful for the incredible administration, teachers, and staff who have worked SO hard to create a plan that allows for each family to make the decisions they believe are best for their kiddos. We literally chose to move to our town because of the quality and reputation of the school system, and I can say unabashedly, it's one of the best decisions we ever made. Full hearts, here. And hopefully a full year of education in the classroom: all four are scheduled to go back to in-person, five-day instruction starting on Monday, September 28th. Prayers for a full, healthy, fantastic year for all, no matter how your school year is looking where you live. <3 

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