Thursday, October 29, 2020


Ugh!!!! Y'all. I love writing so much #freetherapy, but I am just having the hardest time finding time to do it right now. But I refuse to quit this blog, this virtual scrapbook of mine, even if just to have this for my kids to read when they are grown and reminiscing one day. So, my posts may be few and far between right now, but I am determined to write and post when I can. Like now! I haven't written one of these bad boys since February; so, I thought it'd be fun to write one again now that 2020 is coming to a close. Here we go: I am currently...

Loving...normalcy. If you know me, and know the Enneagram, it likely comes as no surprise that I am a Type 1. So, when Covid happened and all structure/routines/schedules went out the window, my anxiety spiked. I try so hard to go with the flow, but seven months later, it is clear to me that I function best with plans, routines, organization, and structure. So, for my own mental health, I am so thankful for the normalcy that has come with face-to-face schooling, the return of extra-curriculars, etc. I am working hard not to overdo the scheduling, but it helps my mental health so much to have a structured routine in place. 

Reading...a book that will truly challenge the depth of your faith, with my LifeGroup girls: Not a Fan. And also listening to a few good audiobooks while driving or running, the most recent of which was a great, suspenseful read: The Girl Who Lived. 

Waiting for...fall fun this weekend! Halloween parties and trick-or-treating and college football all collide, and I can't wait!

Excited sister's engagement. It is an answered prayer and a beautiful story, and I could not be happier to welcome a new brother, a new niece, and three new nephews to our BLOMPS BLOMPSH family next year. Cheers to the Hezleps!!!

Trying to...finally decorate a few areas of my home that have been neglected over the last...errrr....8 years since we moved in. I blame babies and toddlers and ever-present fatigue and LIFE on it; but, it is time to give my time to some areas of our home that have been loveless. ;)  So, we are slowly adding pieces and decor to our walls and spaces. What is important to me is that, when I look around, I feel at home, with every piece of decor reflecting us. I had a few things arrive this week and another that will arrive next week, and I will share before/after pics once they are all in place. :) 

Working tennis game! I've been having so much fun playing tennis the last few months, and the competitor in me just wants to practice, practice, practice to improve my game, game, game. Loving it!

Enjoying...the Fall temps that have finally arrived! Our 80s weather just wanted to show off through October, but it looks like Fall temperatures may finally be here to stay as we welcome in November this weekend! We had an unexpected day off from school today as the remnants of Tropical Storm Zeta blew through and had some extra Halloween fun. :) 

Watching...Big Brother! Well, we were watching it, but it ended this week. My new laundry-folding show is a cutesy little Netflix show called Emily in Paris that is light-hearted and fun with some great fashion. And also This is Us, which returned this week. 'Nuff said. <3 silk sleep mask every night to (1) block out any ounce of light that tries to wake me during the night, and (2) attempt to prevent those pesky under-eye wrinkles, which are hard to combat given I am (a) almost 40, and (b) belly/shove-my-face-straight-into-my-mattress-all-night sleeper, which is no bueno for wrinkle prevention. ;) 

Wearing...workout wear, tennis clothes, cozy jammies - wash, rinse, repeat. I am happiest when I am in comfy clothes; so, I've been happy lately. Ha!

Planning...Thanksgiving! Hi! My name is Lindsay! I'll be 40 years old in December, and this will be the first year I have EVER hosted Thanksgiving. :) I have a lot to learn, a lot to plan, and a lot to prep, fast! And by fast, I mean starting next week - ha! I just refuse to skip over Halloween and start planning for Thanksgiving already. 

Singing...more like chanting, this high school cheer from the good ol' days ;) that has been stuck in my head for WEEKS. "Jump Up! Sky high! Tip it to the Foxes' side!" re-introduce my regular quiet time in the morning. I have been dealing with some hard-on-my-heart stuff lately and know this quiet time will help my heart and my head so much. <3

Listening to...Halloween music on Pandora, while cruising around doing Halloween scavenger hunts with 75% of my s{quad}. 

Learning...that I have some big, personal goals for 2021. One thing 2020 has highlighted is what, where, and who I need to prioritize with my time, love, and attention in my life. I am looking forward to a fresh start with fresh goals. 

Doing...avoiding the news at all costs. We used to have The Today Show on in the background every.single.morning. BUT once Covid hit and the news started getting a little...ahem...biased and slanting (completely depending on what station you happened to turn to), we decided enough is enough. No more news for us. So, we have not watched the news, of any kind, since March. Instead, we choose to do our own research and form our own opinions. I do hope that one day we can turn on the news again - I miss the personal, inspiring, and uplifting stories. 

Wishing...for a beautiful close to 2020: one filled with the ones I love and the ones who love me. <3 One where I am able to truly focus on the word I chose for myself for 2020: Focus. And the one I have already chosen for 2021: Authenticity. 

Dreaming many things. For my family, for my friends, for myself. Cheers to big things in 2021! Ready to close out 2020 with a bang! 

And that's a look at things, currently. :) 

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