Monday, November 2, 2020

Turning 11: A Birthday in the Mountains

Two weekends ago, our 11-year-old (how did THAT happen?!) got to celebrate a belated 11th birthday with a group of his buddies. When we asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday, he didn't hesitate: mountain weekend! At our new favorite spot! So, on a Friday, the second the boys got home from school, my hub and a couple of other brave dads rounded up the eight (rowdy! rambunctious! hyper! energetic! enthusiastic! fun!) pre-teens and off to the mountains they went for the weekend! Yahoo! It was a boys-only weekend, but I was assured they would have so much fun. And boy did they ever! 

They stayed up late and woke up early. 

They fished like seasoned fisherman and brought 42.5 pounds of fish back to the mountain house to cook for their dinner. 

They played football in downtown Blowing Rock. 

They old-school-video-gamed (ala the Nintendo of us parents' youth) and ran wild and celebrated and watched football and snacked and took in the views and laughed and enjoyed movies and had ping pong tournaments and went wild and, well, just had a good ol' time. 

A few photos the dads captured to document the weekend: 

They all returned home tired but happy, and we were so thrilled they had so much fun with our birthday boy! Happy Birthday, Banks, you quarantween! >3

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