Saturday, May 8, 2021


Dear Bella, 

How, how, how, sweet baby girl, are you already SIX?! It's cliche, I know. But it's true. Time is flying by and my baby isn't such a baby anymore. And yes, that is in part true because another year has gone by. But also, it's true because you are a different child than you were a year ago. A completely different child. 

Despite having 3+ hours of private weekly therapy, every single week, since right after we brought you home, it has been over the last year that things have really started "clicking" for you. Your speech has exploded - it's not just your mom and dad who can easily decipher what you're saying, but everyone! And while we still have a ways to go, and will continue to pour every ounce of therapy and love and guidance and teaching and encouragement and support we can into you, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, we know you will reach exactly where God has designated you to land, in His timing. And it is such a joy and blessing and absolute honor to have a front row seat to watch you bloom. 

What's more, your body is stronger, your academics are stronger, your confidence is stronger. You are just stronger, day by day. But what I see and know more than ever is that Bella Elizabeth, you were born to shine. You were born with stars in your eyes; stars that were dimmed by your circumstances for a bit, but stars that now glow brightly again. You are just pure light - it's the best way to describe you. You are light. You sparkle. You leave others so happy after they are lucky enough to have crossed your precious path. You are joy, honey. Pure joy. And you bring so many people such hope and encouragement, love and graciousness. Light and joy. 

You are also, these days, a whole lotta sassy. Pushing and testing limits. Letting us know that you and your demands will be heard. And even though it can be hard, it is also a beautiful thing, to know that you are now determined not to just let other people decide what they want for you. You have a voice and you want to use it. And you do. 

Bels, you are strong and brave and exactly who you have always been meant to be. Thank you for teaching me so many things: to throw out expectations and timelines; to be patient and flexible; to know that God's plans are always, always the best plans. Did you know that I spent 24 years in school - countless hours of hardcore learning, studying, and training. I was exposed to, and taught by, some of the greatest names in my field, and still? You have been my greatest teacher. You are my north star, shining brightly, leading me to where God designed me to be. Thank you for teaching me and leading me, sweet girl. Thank you for shining your light on me. On all of us. 

So, here's to you, birthday girl. I will always be your biggest encourager, greatest fan, and most hardcore cheerleader. And you will always be my dream come true. 

Happy 6th Birthday, Bellaboo. You are loved, you are loved, you are loved. 

With All My Heart, 


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