Friday, January 8, 2016

Cheers to the Weekend: National Championship Edition

Because my hub and I are headed to Arizona tomorrow (GO TIGERS!!!!), and thus there are 8,947 things to do before we leave, just a quick CHEERS post that's heavy on pics and light on words to share a little glimpse into some of what we've been up to the last couple of weeks: 

CHEERS to...

Adorable snow-themed birthday parties for sweet friends. 

A new, darker 'do for Momma. 

Modern medicine (I had strep this week. Harrison's strep test was negative but he had croup. Then, I get the call today that he does, in fact, have strep. I won't even talk about the nasty stomach bug and viruses that overtook our home over Christmas break). We made many a visit to the docs. Sometimes in our jammies.

Sweet, thoughtful daddies who make kindergarten lunches without even being asked when Momma is super sick, including writing his own post-it note. :)

Kind, loving big brothers who teach little sisters to ride new bikes. 

Friends I adore. 

Bounce houses on rainy days. 

Snuggles with my sons. <3 <3 

Friday. Because much of my week has looked like this.

Tiger Football. My hub are die-hard fans and have stood by our Tigers through thick and thin. It is surreal that we have finally made it to the national championship game, under a coach whose love for his players is surpassed only by the strength of his faith. Win or lose, we are looking forward to an amazing trip with both family and friends, one that I'm sure we'll remember forever. GO TIGERS!!!

And CHEERS to the weekend, y'all. See ya real soon. 

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