Monday, January 13, 2020

Cheers to the Week: The First One of 2020 Edition

HAAAAAAAAPPY NEW YEAR! And by that I mean, hello, we are now 1/3 of the way through January already. At this speed, it'll be Christmas again in no time - ha!

I am kicking off the week by sharing a few things we are saying CHEERS to as per my typical Friday post. ;) Only, it's now Monday and I am just now posting this; so, hello, new week, and CHEERS to...

Raleigh's actual birthday. Last mention of my 8-year-old's celebrations, I swear! But if y'all know me, you know that birthdays are my favorite days. And here's how Raleigh's actual birthday went down: 

Our girl awoke to the tradition of door decorations and gifts awaiting in the kitchen. She was so excited! 

She was then whisked away to breakfast with her daddy (another tradition - you could say this momma likes traditions ;) ) before we all headed to church. After was lunch of her choice and then she and I spent the early afternoon blowing her birthday cash from family and friends at Target. She had so much fun and was so careful in selecting exactly what she wanted but noted she wanted to donate the rest of her savings to charity. That girl, I swear. 

The rest of my Lu Crew then met us at the movies for a family viewing of Frozen 2, and ohmystars, we absolutely loved it!! The kids said they liked it even more than the first, and I may have to agree! It was SO good. 

We headed home to play for a bit before heading out to dinner for one last celebration of our birthday girl. We then came home where she blew out her candles on her "8" cake, and we tucked her into bed, closing out not only her birthday, but also the last day of Christmas break. It truly was such a wonderful day celebrating our sweet girl. <3 (oh yeah - her celebration actually continued the next day, as I joined her for lunch at school since her actual birthday had fallen on a Sunday. But after that, the celebrations were done). :) 

Harrison's first sleepover. Over the break, Harrison got to have his first ever sleepover with one of his good buddy's, and he was just so stinkin' excited about. I was worried he would get homesick (or awake the entire family/his friend, since he likes to wake up at the crack of dawn), but alas, he did great! He had so much fun, and we were so excited to hear all about it the next day. 

Noon-Year. For the 8th year in a row, we counted down on New Year's Eve to 12...noon! My kiddos get so excited for this annual event, and this year was no exception. We wear NYE gear, blow party whistles, drink sparkling cider, share our resolutions, and celebrate the year behind us while looking ahead to what's to come. (For the record, my oldest two actually MADE IT TO MIDNIGHT this year! We celebrated NYE with several dear friends in the neighborhood, and although I left around 10:00 to take my littest Lus home and to bed, my hub and big two stayed with the par-tay and all saw the ball drop at 12:00. So, yes, I am officially old and being out-New Yeared by my big two- ha!). 

Annual ice skating. Every year, I take my big kiddos to the outdoor ice skating rink nearby over Christmas break, and this year was no exception! We went on New Year's Day, and it was such a fun way to welcome in 2020 (meanwhile Bels and Dad held down the fort at home). :) I was so proud of my Big 3, who quickly picked up where they left off and were skating all over that rink!

40 and fabulous. One of my dear friends turned the big 4-0, and we celebrated in STYLE last week (and by in "style" I mean we were required to wear wigs and use alter egos). This girl loves a costume, and I like to go big or go home. So...introducing Lindsay Lu Who. Ha! It was so much fun!! Happy, Happy Birthday again, Lisa! You are so loved, my friend. 

Plans-free with plans. It is so nice to go into weekends with no real plans aside from a couple rec league sports games and church on the schedule and just see where things take us. This last one included sleepovers x2 for two little Lus, dinner with friends x2 nights, a quick trip to NYC for my hub, and a neighborhood flag football game. Throw in some house organization, some Netflix watchin' (OMG. Have y'all seen Don't F*** With Cats ? YIKES. Disturbing but a good quick watch), some cookie baking, some Barre3, some running, etc., and the hours fill up quickly! It was a good one, though!

And with that, Happy CLEMSON NATTY MONDAY, friends! This will be the first time my hub and I haven't attended the Natty when our Tigers have played :( But with my hub's heavy workload this month and a massive house project starting in a couple weeks, it just wasn't in the cards for us this go 'round! We'll be cheering loud and proud with some friends tomorrow night, crossing our fingers and toes our Tigers can bring it on home again, while remembering that glorious trip to Cali last year watching our Tigers take down Bama big time.

And with that, I say, have a great week, and GO TIGERS!!!

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