Friday, May 8, 2020


Dear Bella,

Did you know that you have now had more birthdays as a Luton than as an orphan? That makes me so, so happy - knowing you have gotten to blow out candles and open gifts and  be spoiled and celebrated and oh-so-loved, just for being YOU. 

Although this birthday is a little different than your last two birthdays (#quarantine), we have every intention of making sure you know how very much everyone who is lucky enough to know you loves you, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. 

You don't even know, at the ripe young age of 5, what an inspiration you are to so many, perhaps me most of all. You are resilience and grace, sweetness and strong-willed, loveable and snuggable, all rolled up into one precious Bellaboo bundle. 

You have made some HUGE strides over the last 365 days, Bels. To be honest, they aren't always as obvious to me, seeing as how I am with you nearly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You.Are.My.Shadow., happiest to be touching me at every second of every day. So, while I know you are making gains, I don't always seem the leaps and bounds that others do when they go weeks or months between seeing you. But, especially since quarantine started, you have been blowing people's minds with your achievements: your teachers; your therapists, both private and at school; your extended family; all of them, your Lu Crew: none can believe how much you have changed in just six weeks! 

You are speaking more clearly and putting more and more words together. Your speech has grown tremendously over the last year, and we are so proud of how hard you work to communicate with those who know you and love you. 

You are 100% potty trained for day! And it was the easiest.thing.ever. to potty train you! You were clearly ready - we just didn't know it. <3

You are becoming stronger, faster, and more fluid in your gross motor movements. You can jump like a boss and go up and down steps, holding a railing. You LOVE going to dance and won't hesitate to show off your plie. You also learned to swim at the end of last summer, and I can't wait to get you back in a pool as soon as they open. 

You have made some awesome fine motor strides, too. You can cut a page using scissors independently. You can draw a circle and cross and even a square and triangle on occasion! We are working on writing letters, and I just know you'll get it one day!

You have known all of your numbers, letters, colors, and shapes for some time. Now we are focusing on mastering consistently counting to 10, and you are getting SO close!

You have discovered the "art" of sighing, rolling your eyes, and moaning, "Moooooom!" when annoyed at me. It's definitely a lovely little glimpse of future teen Bella, Lord help me. 

You love, love, love to snuggle. Your favorite is holding my hand AND your dad's hand, at the same time. It's like you hit the jackpot when that happens, your face lights up so brightly. It makes us smile so big. <3

You adore your sweet girlfriends - one in particular - and I have no doubt you two will be thick as thieves throughout your childhood. She is such a sweet cheerleader, protector, and playmate. My heart just melts when I see you two sweet girls together. 

And let me just say: I'm not sure I've ever seen three big siblings adore a little sister so much. Banks, Raleigh, and Harrison just adore you. But honestly, something that makes me happy is when they get annoyed with you. Because it is clear they love you enough for you to get on their nerves, as true siblings should. ;) 

Your world is filled with people who just love you so much, Bels. Your family, your friends, your teachers, your therapists: this world is better with you in it, exactly as you are, exactly who God designed you to be. And today, we celebrate YOU.

From the moment I was born, God knew I would be your momma. From the moment you were born, He lead me to you, perfectly and beautifully laying the path for us to come together on that day, in that room, in that building, in that place. Never ever ever will you spend another birthday alone. Because today, Bella Elizabeth, you have had more birthdays as a Luton than as an orphan, something only God himself could perfectly ordain. 

...Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that I dared to dream really do come true. 

Happy One-Whole Hand, Beautiful Bella. You are loved, you are loved, you are loved.

With All My Heart, 


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