Friday, January 16, 2015

Coffee Date Friday: Shhhhh Edition


Do you hear that?

It's the sound of...nothing. Isn't it amazing? Isn't it just awesome? It's the sound our calendar is making for most of January, and after a crazy busy December, I am welcoming the silence, the quiet, the shhhhh, with open arms. I am saying HELLO to calendar days that are blank slates with absolutely no intention of filling them. I am saying HELLO to a little family hibernation for most of the month. I am saying HELLO to...silence. It's golden, I tell ya.

So. Were we to meet for coffee this morning, I would let you know that I am enjoying the quietness and solitude of our get together. And that aside from a dinner date with some dear old college friends, and the fact that my hub and I are on nursery duty at church this Sunday, we have nothing else on our calendar for the next two weekends. I would tell you that I am extremely excited about that! I would sit back and hear about YOU, too. About how your calendar is looking for this month. About what you've got up your sleeve for this weekend.

I would then share the following about me, as we soaked in the silence around us:

 ...that we had an absolute blast with my sister, brother-in-law, niece, and (new!) nephew during their 3-day visit last weekend. We did quite a bit of playing (okay, non-stop, actually) and the mommas and their girls snuck away for a trip to Build-A-Bear and ice cream as an extra special celebration for the birthday girl. There was also plenty of snuggling, chatting, bathing, eating, drinking, laughing, and memory making. I loved every single solitary minute.

...that we were also spoiled to have my parents, my "in laws," my sister-in-law and niece, and my aunt and uncle and cousin hang at our home for most of the day after Raleigh's 3rd brithday party last weekend. It is always so special to me to have both sets of parents together, and throw in all the other family members we were able to spend time with, and this was one happy momma right here!

...that my big little buddy and I concluded last weekend by attending two birthday parties, one for a school friend and one for a neighborhood friend. One at a nature center and one that was pirate-themed. I loved getting so many hours of one-on-one time with my Banks and watching him have fun with his friends. 

Meanwhile, back at home, my hub was having fun with Raleigh and Harrison:

...that I find that I constantly battle myself as a momma. For example, I worry about my Harrison not easily transitioning to a sippy cup. I worry that he refuses finger foods. I worry that he gags on Stage 3 baby foods. And then I tell myself to relax. Calm down. He is developing at his own pace not mine. And then I start to worry again. Wash, rinse, repeat. Siiiiiiigh. Some days the anxiety wins. Some days, the calm. All a part of being a momma, I guess. Or maybe just my genes? Who knows. But the love? The love is always there. 

...that a couple weeks ago, I had to throw out 140 ounces of my frozen breastmilk that had expired. Any nursing mom out there can imagine how hard it was to trash all that liquid gold. :( The good news is that I still have quite a bit of good milk still frozen and ready to be put to use in a few weeks when we'll need it. :)

...that my kiddos have a long weekend this weekend, after having early dismissal yesterday and no school today or Monday (Happy Martin Luther King, Jr., Day!). That what I find most joyful and fulfilling about being a stay-at-home momma is just that: being a momma. For me, this translates into getting-into-the-trenches kind of play. The board game after board game, dress-up after dress-up, coloring after coloring, construction after construction, crafting after crafting, dance party after dance party, book after book, puzzle after puzzle kind of play. Often, on my hands and knees. Mostly, in the playroom. Always, with a sense of pure fulfillment. This is such a precious season of life: when they are this young, when they actually want to spend time with me, when they actually want to spend time with each other. So. I treasure these long weekends and holiday breaks and summer days. When we have extra time together. It's exactly what I am looking forward to doing this weekend.  

And with that, I would say that I hope your weekend is joyful and fulfilling, too. Let's meet back up, same space next week, for more caffeine. See you then. Have a good one!

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