Monday, March 14, 2016

Mom-ing Through Faith: On Being Busy

Just that morning I'd been praying and asking God to show Himself to me. I asked the God of the universe to intersect my life with His revelation, then got up from my prayers and forgot to look...All because of the chaotic rush of my day. -Lysa TerKeurst (from The Best Yes)

Life is busy, no? 

Whether you're a working momma, a stay-at-home momma, a work-from-home momma, a working not-yet-a momma, life is busy. Often it makes me sad--the world's insistence that we rush and go and don't stop 'til we drop--but I digress. 

Life is busy. 

But are we filling our days with the best things for us, for our families, for our God? Are we giving our best yeses to those things that are deserving and our confident noes to those unfulfillng time-suckers? 

As I've mentioned recently, I have been in a state of quiet stillness the last few months, seeking answers to important questions and trying to remember to Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). I have been praying hard for these answers, for signs, for His voice. But then I realized that while I have been pray, pray, praying, I was getting into the habit of [getting] up from my prayers and [forgetting] to look. 

Life is busy. And I was guilty. Guilty of praying and asking and then going about my day, and pushing God to the back-burner, not making him a priority and not actively seeking His will. Not listening. Not paying attention. Seems pretty selfish to me.


As Lysa TerKeurst points out in The Best Yes, 

If we want to hear from the Lord, we must confess that sometimes we walk right past the Lord's instruction and set ourselves up to miss His direction. 


So now, while I continue my prayers and seek out His will and ask for His wisdom, I remind myself that it is just as important to listen, be present, be aware, be ready. And trust in His timing. 

But also, and I LOVE this,

If we want His direction for our decisions, the great cravings of our souls must not only be the big moments of the assignment. They must also be the seemingly small instructions in the most ordinary of moments when God points His Spirit finger saying, Go there. (Lysa TerKeurst)

I pray for direction and wait for instruction for my decisions. But what about the seemingly small, every day moments that pass by? Those are just as important. God is intentional in His timing. I need to be intentional in paying attention and truly listening, as this busy world passes me by. 

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5. 

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