Friday, October 21, 2016

Cheers to the Weekend, Crazy Town Edition

Wheeeeeeeeeeew. I am glad to see the weekend. Although it's going to be a super busy one, at least it will be on my terms. ;) Things have been crazy 'round these parts, what with adoption stuff and baking and football and gymnastics and Fall activities and Clemson and, well, life. I'm sure everyone out there as their own crazy busy stuff keeping them rockin' and rollin' this time of year, amIright? Wheeeeeeeeeeew.

So, the blog posts are lagging. But I grab this little space whenever I can...such as right now! And so, a recap from what we've been up to the last couple weeks: Some things we are saying CHEERS to:

Adoption. Thank you so very much to all those who have been following along on our adoption journey. On Wednesday, I gave a very exciting update about where we are in the process--and how we got there much sooner than I ever dreamed! Unfortunately, that afternoon, I learned that the timeline we were anticipating as far as finding our daughter via a referral from our agency is much longer than I have been anticipating. In fact, I am now just hoping and praying that we are able to be matched by the end of NEXT year. I'm not going to lie: I was devastated when I was informed. But, thanks to support from family and friends, as well as from our adoption agency, and, most importantly, my incredible husband, I have much more peace about it now. My timeline isn't His timeline. As a wise friend told me yesterday, "God already knows your daughter. He has her in His hands." So, we wait and pray, wait and pray. And do our best to serve others as best we can in the meantime. Regardless, your prayers and love are much appreciated as we wait to find our girl...

Fall Frolic. Last weekend, we visited our town's Fall Frolic for the fifth year in a row: horseback riding, corn mazes, hay rides, pumpkin patches, farm animals--you know, all the Fall must haves. ;) 

Girls Night Out. There is an AWESOME new business located nearby called Anders Ruff Workshop, where all different kinds of workshops to make really cool DIY, home decor items are offered (Anders Ruff is the same company for which my Raleigh was featured in this month's Better Homes and Gardens Halloween catalogue). Anywho, earlier this week, four of the six of my LifeGroup ladies went to an evening workshop and we each created our own custom plank sign, from scratch. It was SO fun!!! I highly recommend attending any of their awesome workshops if you live here (or come visit me! I can't wait to go back!).

Field trips. Both Raleigh and Harrison have had field trips during the last two weeks, each to different pumpkin patches. Harrison and I accompanied Raleigh on hers, while my hub took Harrison alone on his. Both were a blast!

Oven repair. Eeeek!!!! Our indefinitely discontinued oven part miraculously showed up in the mail and we had our oven repaired the next day. Y' works!!!!! So my kitchen has been, and will continue to be, buzzing with all kinds of cookie orders, all as part of our adoption fundraising. Yahoo!!! Here is one of the projects from this week: 

Clemson Homecoming. Last weekend, all five of us Lus headed to Clemson for homecoming. We spent the night with some of our best friends (thank you, Frye fam!) on Friday and went to see the homecoming floats that evening. It was awesome! The next day, we went to the nail-biter of a game and were SO excited that Clemson somehow pulled out a W at the last second. Whew!


Getting Boo'd. Man, Fall sure does bring a lot of fun, and our neighborhood always does it up big for the holidays. Earlier this week, we were "Boo'd" and had to "Boo back" two neighbors. My kids always look forward to this each year, and this one was no exception!

Day dates. My hub and I got to sneak away for a day date recently and hit up Cinnebarre (you know, theaters where you can order food and drinks while watching a movie). We saw "The Girl on the Train." Although I enjoyed the book, I was skeptical of the movie based on the reviews, but we both actually enjoyed it! And it was the perfect, rainy day for a movie date. :) 

And that's that!

The busy-ness continues this weekend! Banks and Raleigh are going camping at the Greenway with their Daddy and some friends tonight, while Harrison and I will hang back at the house (no complaints here!). Tomorrow morning I'll be assisting my favorite photog with a photo session before we hit the courts. Courts? Yes, courts. Tennis courts. Because on Monday morning, we have our first doubles match!! So, we'll be practicing by getting our butts whooped by two of our other girlfriends on Saturday. :) I'll then head home so Clay can get out the door and to a fun neighborhood cornhole tourney. Meanwhile, I'll take my little trio to our neighborhood Fall festival. Sunday will consist of church, more photo session assisting, and then a SUPER FUN event with girlfriends Sunday night.

Good gracious. I'm tired just reading all of that! :) Thank y'all again for your prayers for our family. Have a lovely Fall weekend! 

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