Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wee One Wednesday: Doc Momma Bakes

I am so excited to share some big news about our adoption next week, but until then, I thought I'd gather and share photos of the various baking projects I've done over the last few months as an adoption fundraiser. 

I have always LOOOOOOVED to bake (hate to cook! Bleh! Hate it! The worst!). Although I've always made my kiddos' birthday cakes and cupcakes, I have never really ventured far from that. But at a friend's suggestion several months ago, I started baking, decorating, and selling cookies and putting 100% of the proceeds towards our adoption. It has proven to be a really fun, creative outlet that allows me to help with loved ones' special celebrations while getting one step closer to bringing our girl home, one order at a time. :) 

You see, my hub and I just didn't feel comfortable taking direct donations from people to help fund our adoption. This works GREAT for some families!!! It was just not the right path for us. But, we decided that if we (or our amazingly talented, generous, awesome friends!) could offer a product or service, we would feel comfortable using those platforms as fundraising efforts. Since I am a stay-at-home momma, I can't exactly work overtime or take on additional responsibilities at a paying job. But. I can offer up my kitchen services, the majority of which occurs during the early morning, naptime, or nighttime hours so that I can still focus on my main "job" as a SAHM. 

That being said, here is what has been keeping my kitchen buzzing the last four months: 

For a donuts and milk birthday party: 

For a flamingo pool party:

For the 4th of July: 

For a 15-year, Red Bull distribution party:

For a pink and blue puppy party:

For an Avenger themed party:

For a sweet 2-year-old's party:

For a cat-lovin', 8-year-old's birthday party:

 Back-to-school bundles for the teachers:

For a prankster birthday party (yes, those are poop emojis):
For a 40-year-old's birthday party-some of his favorite things:

For a football party:

For a mermaid-themed pool party:

For a soccer birthday party:

For a Minecraft-themed party:

For a pumpkin-themed baby shower:

And, with any luck, our oven (which has been broken and out of service for the last month?...two months?...way too long as we have waited for the broken part, which has been on indefinite backorder, to find it's way to our home) will be repaired by the end of the day TODAY!!!! This means I'll be able to resume taking more orders, including some special offers coming up for Thanksgiving and Christmas. :) Stay tuned! And as ALWAYS, thank you for your orders and support. Please let me know if there's anything I can bake for you! <3

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