Sunday, December 27, 2020

Goldy & Locks: Bringing Elfin Magic to 2020

Day 1. Oh no! Quarantine! Luckily, it seems to be more out of re-entry precaution than due to actual elf illness. 

Day 2. Goldy and Locks broke out of quarantine but wanted to don masks and keep their social distance just to ensure they both were, in fact, healthy (side note: apparently, the length of quarantine and the length of social distancing required is reduced for elves. Must be their elfin size...) 

Day 3. Elves need somewhere to sleep! They left a delightful wooden house for the kids to decorate so that there would be a perfect little somewhere for the elves to nap as needed. 

Day 4. Ohmygoodness. What a special day this was. The elves brought the most adorable kit for the kiddos. We (1) read the book that came with it, (2) wrote letters to Santa on the special paper provided, (2) heated the letters using the accompanying Mrs. Claus Press, (3) looked in amazement at the soft paper turned hard ornaments, (4) added the ribbon and hung them on their tree. Thank you, Goldy and Locks (and incredibly thought secret elf gifter, Amie). I will treasure these and their precious handwriting forever. 

Day 5. Fore!!! Elf golf, anyone? In the form of candy canes and candy balls, of course!

Day 6. The countdown to Christmas continues, and Goldy and Locks donned their Rudolph noses in celebration while leaving noses for the kids to wear, too!

Day 7. Looks like a couple of elves were lookin' for a couple of new 'dos. They stopped by the Elf Salon and left with a festive new beard and a fancy new up 'do! 

Day 8. Portable North Pole Day! Every year, Santa sends the kiddos their own personalized messages to check in and say hello. 

Day 9. Bitsy Bright Buttons? Merry Twinkle Toes? Goldy and Locks left a chart to help us decipher our own elf names! 

Day 10. Who doesn't love a Christmas craft?! The kiddos got to make a few new ornaments thanks to the ornament crafting kit ol' G and L left for them. 

Day 11. On this day, Goldy and Locks surprised the kids with their official 2020 Christmas jammies. Thanks, elves!

Day 12. Every year for the last nine years, our family has painted pottery during the Christmas season, including a piece that is added to the dinnerware collection we use to eat our Christmas meal on. Although Covid repercussions shut down the local business we had frequented for nearly a decade, Goldy and Locks were able to find another place that allowed for take-home-kits to create the pieces we love. Thanks for saving the day, sweet elves! 

Day 13. Oh no! Goldy decided to try his hand at politics: Make Christmas Great Again! Not you too, Goldy. No more political talk!!

Day 14. This gorgeous December day afforded us the most amazing weather, and the elves took full advantage: they had themselves a day at the elftastic beach!

Day 15. Goldy and Locks had some fun they were trying to *ketchup* on - ha!

Day 16. Goldy and Locks must have realized a certain momma was turning 40 on this day and brought balloons to celebrate. Thanks, y'all! 

Day 17. Those thoughtful elves packed themselves in ziplock bags so the kiddos could snuggle them on the trip out of town for the weekend. 

Day 18. Goldy and Locks made it to our mountain home and decided to set up a game of elf cornhole to kick off a weekend of fun! 

Day 19. The elves set up a little game of "Find the treat!" for the kiddos and a couple of kiddo guests. Thanks, G and L! 

Day 20. When in the out! 

Day 21. Goldy and Locks weren't going to let Covid steal the annual mother-daughter tradition of attending The Nutcracker and selecting a new one to add to our collection: they left a new Nutcracker with promises for a family viewing at home - the tradition may have been different but it certainly lived on. <3

Day 22. Glad to see the elves were "toasty" ;) after a cold December night! 

Day 23. Goldy and Locks left the kiddos the Christmas treat trend of 2020: hot cocoa bombs! Which were big and beautiful and awesome (and created by an amazing local small business that we love, Button Bakery! 

Day 24. As they always do on Christmas Eve, Goldy and Locks left their farewell message as well as supplies to make reindeer food and decorate cookies for Santa. 

Thank you for the joy you brought to our home each year, elves. Take care, stay well, and we'll see you next year! 

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