Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday Family Fill-In: Baby Fun

Life with a toddler in the house means that much of what goes on in the house is often determined by the toddler. Luckily, I have a pretty happy-go-lucky, go-with-the-flow baby girl on my hands, who loves nothing more than being around her big brother and watching each and every little thing he does.


Just because my baby girl is not my first baby does not, in any way, shape, or form, mean that she does not deserve to be showered with the same amount of attention that her big brother got when he was a baby.


I try to make a special effort to engage my girl in age-appropriate activities that are fun for her throughout the day, each day, so that she is not just left behind in her big brother's dust.

For this Friday Family Fill-In, I thought I'd share just a few of the fun things my little lady has been up to lately:

Playing in the treasure basket Momma created just for her

Playing with bubbles in the shower while brother was napping...which resulted in her first word: "Bubble!"

Knocking down towers Momma builds over and over and over

Practicing fine motor skills by examining all that nature has to offer

Doing some baby-friendly painting (mess free!)
Engaging in a little sensory play: examining the noise bottle Momma made

More sensory play: Playing with the tactile cards Momma made

Fun for all!

Happy (learning) baby. Happy Momma.

Please make sure to check back next Friday for a special Friday Family Fill-In...

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