Sunday, December 23, 2012

Introducing...Gold E. Locks

Before I was ever pregnant, I dreamed of what Christmas would be like once my hub and I had children of our own, prompting me to buy The Elf on the Shelf despite being childless at the time. 

Fast-forward a few years, and we were finally (!) able to start using our elf now that Banks is the ripe ol' age of 3. And although Raleigh gets excited upon seeing the elf each morning, and will most certainly delight in the morning elf hunts in a few years, she is a little too little to truly enjoy the magic of Christmas (and elves!) just yet.

As every good Elf owner knows, it is the child's responsibility to name the elf. Banks, who is really into storytelling right now, opted to name our elf Gold E. Locks, or "Goldy" as we so lovingly call him. 

I have been posting all of Goldy's shenanigans on Instagram (@lindsayluton) throughout the month of December but thought I'd compile the entire list here (mainly so that I can refer back to this list next year in attempts to avoid repeating these specific shenanigans but also in case anyone out there may be interested in a list of elf ideas--because, you know, there are absolutely none to be found on Pinterest). Admittedly, some of these ideas were borrowed from those non-existent lists on Pinterest while others I created on my own. 

Without further ado, here's a compilation of all the wackiness ol' Goldy has caused in our home over the last month:

Day 1
 Goldy left a felt tree and ornaments for repeated decorating in the playroom

Day 2
Goldy performed a high-wire elf act across the kitchen

 Day 3
Goldy left a countdown to Christmas calendar, which we have now filled by placing a cotton ball on the numbered spot each morning

 Day 4
Goldy got wild and toilet-papered the playroom bathroom

Day 5
Goldy put a crepe paper barricade outside of Banks' door, which he LOVED busting through first thing in the morning

 Day 6
Goldy left The Polar Express (which Daddy read to the kiddos before bedtime) and a bell from Santa's sleigh

 Day 7
Goldy decided that morning is always best when started with hot chocolate

 Day 8
Inspired by Pop's love of fishing during our annual Christmas trip to Nana and Pop's house, Goldy decided to do a little fishing of his own

Day 9
Goldy discovered his artistic side and went to town on photos of Banks and Raleigh

 Day 10
Goldy must have been lonely...he created a (girl) friend out of marshmallows and candy

 Day 11
Is there any better way to start the day than with a Christmas dance party? Goldy thinks not.

 Day 12
Thanks to Goldy, we started the day by praying for my beautiful friend

Day 13
Feeling crafty, Goldy left supplies for us to decorate a gingerbread man

 Day 14
Goldy decided to leave donuts for breakfast, and elves need donuts, too!

 Day 15
A yummy craft this time: Goldy left supplies to make Christmas trees out of ice cream cones, icing, and sprinkles. Thanks, Goldy!

Day 16
Momma and Daddy went out for a party, and Goldy decided to have a party all his own, which ended with a certain little boy's underpants on the Christmas tree. Crazy ol' Goldy.

Day 17
Goldy debuted his open-air act

 Day 18
Goldy and a friend: super heroes at rest

 Day 19
Time for some festive baking! Goldy left ingredients to make homemade peppermint bark. Delish!

 Day 20
Goldy lead us on a fun scavenger hunt, ending with the promise of popcorn and Christmas movies after dinner.

Day 21
Goldy wanted to remind us all of the true reason for the season

 Day 22
Goldy's got connections: the promise of a phone call from Santa, who delivered! I will never forget the look on Banks' face...

 Day 23
Reindeer gotta eat, too! Goldy left reindeer food, which has already been sprinkled in our yard in anticipation of their arriva

Day 24
 Goldy's final night: He left a sweet goodbye note for the kids as well as jammies for them to wear Christmas Eve

Yes, we will miss our dear friend, Goldy. But. We'll be ready for his return next year, with new shenanigans up his little elf sleeves. 

And with that, I am off to celebrate the rest of this beautiful, festive week with my little family of four. 

Merry Christmas to all! 

See you next week...

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