Sunday, January 18, 2015

Remember To Remember...

Dear Momma, 

Remember to remember...
How very precious this season of life is. Treat it as the very treasure that it is. It won't be like this for long. And one day, you will miss it, these days when they were oh so little: the good, the bad, and the ugly. There are parents who would give anything to be cradling their own babies right now. So. Stop what you're doing. Look at what's in front of you. See them? They are watching you. Watch them, too. Soak them in.

Remember to remember...
How he would awake for the day before the rest of the house stirred. How he would get dressed, brush his teeth, make his bed, and straighten his room all on his own, waiting for the moment you would finally peek your head into his room. That he would entertain himself quietly for awhile before the play increased in volume, forgetting that the rest of the house was not yet ready to start the morning. How he squeezed in every last ounce of play into every day, until his eyelids finally closed, often within moments of his head hitting the pillow each night.

Remember to remember...
How beautifully brutal this chapter of life can be. You are tired. You work hard. You don't sit down. You sacrifice yourself. You put them first. Most days, you give all that you have. Some days, you do not. Some days, you feel like it's not enough. Some days, you do. But here's the thing: You are enough. Hang in there, momma. You're doing a great job. YOU are doing a GREAT job.

Remember to remember...
How he felt, how he fit, in the crook of your arm. The way his eyelashes rested gently on his full cheeks. The way he sounded when he breathed, in and out, in and out, knowing there was no place in the world he would ever feel safer. 

Remember to remember...
How to forgive yourself. That each day is a new one. Learn from your mistakes. It's okay if you make them often. Try to make fewer tomorrow. Don't be afraid to voice them to your children. It shows them that it's okay to make mistakes. It shows them that no one is perfect. It shows them that life is about learning. This is, perhaps, one of the greatest gifts you can give them. 

Remember to remember...
How she would always stay in her room, playing quietly, and waiting for you: when waking up in the morning, in lieu of naptime, when not quite ready to drift off at night. How she would play with her babies, drape her long and lean yet strong body across her bed, speak softly to herself. The way she would gaze out the window and make up stories while waiting for her momma to declare that rest time was over. 

Remember to remember...
How important it is to show your children how much you love their daddy. Tell him, hug him, kiss him, spend time with him, in front of them. Go on dates. Go on weekends away. Make sure they know how important it is be away from you and their daddy at times. Make sure they see how important their daddy is to you. Make sure you know those things, too.

Remember to remember...
How he wanted to be a grown-up oh-so-badly, often imitating adult phrases he'd heard in passing while trying to take on the responsibility of making sure all was right and just within the walls of his home. How proud he looked when complimented for accomplishing new feats, his chest bowed out and the slightest of smiles hinting at the corners of his mouth, ready to burst through at a moment's notice. Still a boy but ready to be a man.


Remember to remember...
How important it is to show your children how much you love yourself. Eat well, exercise, drink water, drink wine, have chocolate, get good sleep, spend time with good friends, spend time alone. Do things you enjoy: read books, watch trashy television, write, draw, create, bake, cook, take photos, talk to friends. Go to church. Talk about your faith. Talk about Jesus. They are listening. They are watching.

Remember to remember...
How she squealed, at the top of lungs, when excited. The way her eyes twinkled as a smile danced broadly across her single-freckled cheeks and she laughed with delight. How nothing could bring this reaction quicker than when being tickled by her daddy. How she wanted to wear a princess dress every single day because they made her feel beautiful. How she couldn't wait to hear those very words come from her daddy's mouth each morning as soon as he saw her. How she made sure to tell those she loved, "You're beautiful, you're kind, and you're handsome."

Remember to remember...
How very blessed you are to get to be their momma. Recognize them as individuals. See their individual strengths. See the individual areas where they need a little more support and guidance. Spend individual time with each of them as often as possible. Make them feel special and celebrated for being exactly who they are as individuals.

Remember to remember...
How he made a beeline for his momma each time you came into his line of vision. How he would crawl as fast as his chubby hands and knees would take him and then pull himself up on your legs, reaching up with one hand to let you know he was ready for a warm hug and a snuggle. How he smiled with all his might each morning when you walked into his room. How he buried his head in your shoulder as soon as you picked him up from his crib, how he nestled in, sucking his left thumb, knowing that this was this favorite place in the world. 

Remember to remember...
How important it is to say, "I love you." Say it as much as you can: when riding in the car, when walking through the store, when sitting side-by-side, when waiting in the carpool line, when bathing their tiny bodies, when tucking them into bed, when passing them in the hallway. You cannot say it enough. Say it for no reason other than because you love them all the way down to your core. It is what matters most in this world: they are loved. Make sure they know that. Say it often. Kneel down. Look them in the eye. Make sure they know. Tell them. Then tell them again. They are so very loved. 

Remember to remember...
You're doing a great job, momma, even when you think that you aren't. Even when you're too hard on yourself. You're doing a great job. You are the only momma they've got. Make it count. YOU are doing a GREAT job.

