Monday, June 8, 2015

Mom-ing Through Faith: An Intro

Much of what I know about the Bible, I am learning through reading my children's Bible books with them. 

I am not a momma who can spout off scripture. I don't know most of the names of the people of the Bible. Not only that, I hardly know how to pronounce half the names I come across when reading the Bible. I know only a few of the most well-known stories (Noah had an ark. Jonah had a whale). I don't know how to quickly flip to specific sections of the Bible when they are referred to during church because I don't know where they are. 

All this to say, my fact-based knowledge of the Bible is minimal. There are reasons for that, that those closest to me know about. And that's okay. I will spend the rest of my life continuing in my faith walk and seeing where this beautiful life takes me.

What I do know now, today, is that my faith-based knowledge? My belief that Jesus died for our sins, that everything before, during, and after me is all thanks to God, that I will be saved when my time on this earth comes to end. Well, that belief, that knowledge, that awareness is steadfast. 

Over the last few years, I have taken steps to strengthen both. My hub and I joined a LifeGroup almost two years ago. We joined, and go to church, every Sunday we are in town, so that both we can learn and our children can learn. We volunteer in the nursery once a month. I attended my first ever women's retreat a couple months ago and meet up with my three amazing roomies monthly so that we can support each other and hold each other accountable. I am starting a new Bible study with 15 other amazing women from my neighborhood in just two weeks. This is the path that I am taking to continue to build, grow, and understand my relationship with Jesus. 

But. Here's the thing: No person's walk through faith is the same.

At this very moment, some are treading lightly, wondering what this Christianity thing is all about. There are more questions than answers. More doubt than belief. More "How can that be's" than "That must be's." 

Others are all in. They believe with all their heart, soul, mind, and body, that there is a God, our God, and that he is a good God. They have gone to church all their lives. They know the scripture. They know the stories. They know the people. They know the Bible.

We are all different. We all have our own unique paths. We all have our own unique stories. Isn't that amazing?

And you know what? The same can be said for mommahood, I think. 

Some of us are new mommas, who are treading lightly. We are full of questions, feeling overwhelmed, unsure of what to expect. With each new milestone comes new questions. We are uncertain. We feel alone. We wonder when things will get easier. We wonder if we are doing it right. We're not sure where to turn, how to grow, how to learn.

Some of us are multiple-kids-in to this whole momma gig. We are well-versed on the "facts" of babyhood (sleep-training; introduction of solids; acquisition of developmental milestones). We know the most effective means of toddler discipline. We know the steps to take to raise a loving, trustworthy, successful teen. We've got many of the answers because we've lived them and breathed them: the how-to's, the know who's, the what to do's. And yet? We wonder how to grow, how to learn.

So. Here's what I propose: I want to use this blog as an open forum for us mommas to provide for each other in a kind, loving, advice-seeking, support-giving way. Whether it be answering faith-based questions, such as 

"What kind of impact am I having on this world if I am "just" a momma?" 
"What kind of momma should I be if I want to truly honor God?"
"What does the Bible say about mommahood?"
"What is next for me in my faith walk?"
"How can I raise good, loving, faith-filled children?",

or focusing on day-to-day parenting questions, such as

"How do I get my baby to, please dear Lord, sleep?!?"
"What can I do to help prepare my kiddo(s) to be a big sibling?"
"How do I get through the threenager stage and come out sane on the other side?"
"What is the best way to prepare my preschooler/5th grader/8th grader/12th grader for the next stage in their education?"
"How can I ensure I am building and maintaining a loving, respectful relationship with my child?"

Because here's the thing: I 100% believe that we mommas are in this thing together. We ALL have questions about our faith or parenting or both, and I want US to work TOGETHER to help EACH OTHER. 

But YOU and I are going to have to let down our defenses, admit our mistakes, be ready to change, be prepared not to judge, and be willing to help each other. 

What do ya say? You in? 'Cause I am! 

And ooooh, y'all, am I excited!!!

Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea! Here to support and honored to be a part of your world! <3
