Friday, December 18, 2015

Cheers to the Weekend: The Big 3-5 Edition


AmIright? Good Lord. It's hard to find time to breathe this time a year, let alone blog, but I am trying to get in at least one post per week for memory's sake. Anywho. Here's what I'm saying CHEERS to today, just ONE WEEK from Christmas:  

My 35th birthday! That's right--I am officially in my mid-30s. Gulp! Thanks to my amazingly sweet and thoughtful hub, kiddos, and friends, I had a very special day. I was first treated to a delicious breakfast in bed and was able to just lounge and relax while my hub got the kiddos to school. 

Then, at 9:15 am, I was blindfolded and taken to a car by one of my closest friends and was then surprised by three other of my favorite ladies, who spoiled me with an amazing morning at a beautiful spa, where we all got massages, spent time in the sauna and hot tub, and had lunch and drinks and lots of laughs. It was amazing. <3



I was able to relax at home with my little family the rest of the afternoon, before hitting up Pure Barre and then, a dinner date with my love. It truly was such an awesome day being surrounded by so many I love while welcoming in 35.  


Modern medicine. On Sunday night, Harrison slipped while in the bathtub and landed HARD on the edge of the cup we use to rinse the shampoo out of his hair. He immediately started screaming and my hub pulled him out of the tub, at which point blood started pouring out of his body. Luckily, that was the moment I pulled into our garage from being out of town (more on that in a minute). I took one look at the laceration, which was located directly behind (not in) his rectum, and decided that he would likely need stitches. My sweet hub took Harrison to the Urgent Care, who quickly decided he needed to be seen by a specialist at the children's hospital in Charlotte given the location and severity of the cut. My hub and Harrison spent 10 sleepless hours there, during which time Harrison was seen by three doctors to ensure the sphincter muscle wasn't torn (praise Jesus! It wasn't--had it been, he would have required rehab and Lord knows what else to retrain it). They had to sedate him to do the procedure but were able to use a medication that did not put him in a medically induced coma but instead put him in a deep sleepy state. And Harrison--oh my heart, y'all--my hub still talks about how AMAZING he was the entire night. Just happy as can be and talking and laughing and making the medical staff fall in love with him. I was so worried he would be uncomfortable and upset this week, but he has been the total opposite: an absolute dream. <3 We are so thankful not only for the surgeons and hospital staff, but also for our family and friends, who have checked in on us daily and have prayed for our baby boy.

Precious generational memories. For the second year in a row, my mom, my mother "in law", Raleigh, and I attended the The Nutcracker together. It is one of my most favorite days of the year, and it was simply magical this year. Raleigh was in awe and had so many questions about the beauty of the show. She even got to have her picture taken with Clara as we were leaving, and she was so excited. And of course, we picked up a Nutcracker to add to the collection we started last year. <3

And then, later in the week, Raleigh had parent observation day in her tap/ballet class. Her daddy and I were so proud to watch our sweet girl dance her little heart out. 

Whew! What a week. And that's just the tip of the iceberg (aka all I have time to write out before attempting to check 8,679 more things off the ol' holiday to-do list). Have a great weekend, y'all! And thank you again for all the birthday love. <3  

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