Wednesday, December 9, 2015

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...

Every year about this time, I publish this post listing some of my current faves in case anyone is looking for holiday gift ideas that they may or may not have heard of before. You can find previous posts here and here.

Silhouette Cameo 2. I just got an early birthday gift that I am super duper excited about! I have wanted a Silhouette for several years now, and finally pulled the trigger (or, I should say, my sweet hub and kiddos did for me). While I have much to learn, I cannot wait to dive in and get started! If anyone has one and knows of any good youtube tutorials or has any tips, I am all ears! 

Brin and Bell. I love, love, love this company's products so much that I purchased both my momma and my momma "in law" birthday gifts from them this year. They have all kinds of beautiful, and very reasonably priced, products. I got my momma and momma "in law" bracelets that say "Bammy" and "Nana" (i.e., the grandmother names my kid use for them), and they are just so lovely and dainty. I also gifted myself with a gold bow necklace that I have worn almost every single day since purchasing it a couple months ago. I love this company!

R + F. Y'all knew this was coming, right? And yes, I know, I know, I KNOW. It is everywhere and it is annoying to see it everywhere, but that's only because this stuff actually, truly, genuinely works. It is expensive. Absolutely. But it is also your FACE. It is your SKIN. And I can think of few other things that are as important to invest in when it comes to personal health and beauty. For anyone who is TRULY interested in seeing my own (pretty miraculous, if I do say so myself) transformation since (re)starting the Unblemish regimen 60 days ago, I would be more than happy to show you the (scary!!) before and (current!) after. I also am obsessed with the Reverse regimen. And am very happy to show you my own results as well. It's pretty amazing, as you will see if you message me. :) And don't even get me started on the anti-aging regimen, Redefine. This stuff is everywhere because it is like MAGIC on your FACE. I wouldn't BS you. Now, message me if you want to hear more of the truth. :)

Pure Barre. As I age, not only has it become increasingly important to take good care of my skin but also vital to take care of my body. God gave me this one body, and I want to take care of it the best I can while I am still on this earth. So, Pure Barre is a necessity for me. While also pricey, I make sacrifices in other areas of spending so that I can gift myself with the benefits of going to Pure Barre. There are studios all over the country, and they often offer great deals. The awesome instructors and exposure to strong women is just an added bonus. :)

ebates. Pul-lease tell me you are already using ebates!!! If you are doing any online shopping at all for the holidays, then you're doing yourself a disservice if you aren't using ebates to get FREE MONEY BACK, no strings attached, just for doing what you are already doing. No fees. No nothing. Just free money. To date, I have made $243. Why aren't you using this yet, again? Use this link and start saving IMMEDIATELY!!!

Peekawhoo. During 2015, I have been lucky enough to serve as one of first ambassadors for Peekawho. This absolutely adorable company has the cutest, snuggliest, bestest gifts for babies, children, and adults alike! And the best part? Personalization on ALL of their items is ALWAYS FREE. Umm...I don't know of another company that does that? They are awesome!!! Just so you know, I get absolutely no commission or kickback or anything like that if you buy from them. While they do occasionally send me items to try out and gift to others, I do not make any money, whatsoever, if you purchase from them. I am just a tried and true customer who really loves their stuff! And LUCKY, LUCKY YOU! Peekawhoo will soon me giving me a code for YOU to use, my dear family and friends, for all your gifting needs! I'll let you know ASAP as soon as I get it! 

Ho, Ho, Ho, friends! Happy Shopping! And please let me know if you have any favorite, awesome (online!) places or shops you absolutely love. 

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