Friday, January 20, 2017

Cheers to the Weekend, Hibernation Edition

Man, I love me some Friday. And this one is no different! Aside from Banks' basketball game tomorrow, we have ZERO plans (again!), and I have to say, I am quite happy about it. After the crazy busy-ness the holidays bring at the end of each year, I tend to find myself "hibernating" throughout January (and really, usually most of February). I just sort of need a break from the social scene, and it is refreshing to just not do anything for a change, ya know? But soon after, I'll get restless and we'll kick things back up a notch again. :) But. Not this weekend. This weekend, we hibernate. 

Here's what I'm saying CHEERS to today before I re-enter my hibernation:

Gymnastics. As of last week, Raleigh is now a part of what is called the "Pod Squad" at gymnastics, which means we are now there two afternoons a week. As long as she continues to love it, we'll continue to do it. And love it, she does! 

That also means for my boys, they will be spending more time at the gym as well. But so far, they don't seem to mind too much. :) And it is so nice to have Banks there, as he often wants to walk around and take care of Harrison so I can really watch my girl doing what she loves. 

Women supporting women. A couple of weeks ago, I felt this nudge. It was quite persistent. So I listened. And put an idea out there into the world: Hey Women of the World! You know how we all compare ourselves to one another weekly, daily, HOURLY (especially now, thanks to the awareness that social media brings!)? And you know how we compare ourselves to one another when it comes to, well, everything (our spouses; our children; our parenting; our marriages; our beauty; our bodies; our careers; our homes; our friendships; our faith; our lives; our EVERYthing)? What do you say we work together to stop doing that? 

I posted on Facebook asking if anyone wanted to join an online devotional I would lead, lasting 28 days and based on Sandra Stanley's book Comparison Trap. I was nervous that I would look like a big, fat failure if no one wanted to join in; so, I immediately texted my sister and a friend and basically said, "Hey! Will y'all do this with me? Even if no one else wants to join?" And then I waited. 

Y'all. God nudged 541 other women. They ordered the book and joined the private Facebook page. And we dove in. 

I cannot BEGIN to tell you how amazing it has been so far, 11 days in. Women from all over the country have been sharing their real, raw, vulnerable stories. We've been sharing our truths, things we've never admitted to other people. And a funny thing has started to happen...the comparison trap is losing it's power over us. New, supportive relationships have formed, and it is bringing about change, real change. It is truly a God thing. I am so proud of this group and so proud to see what the next 19 days bring for the 542 who listened to the nudge and said, "Yes!" to stepping outside of our comfort zones, putting aside the REEL, and getting REAL.  

Financial class. Y'all ever heard of Dave Ramsey? You know, the financial guru who is all about getting families out of debt so that they can live like they never have and give like they never have? Yeah, that guy. My hub and I are currently taking his 9-week course, called "Financial Peace University," which is taking place at our church and being facilitated by my hub's mentor. We finished up Week 2 this week, and while I initially only agreed to do this out of kindness for my hub, it has been incredibly eye-opening and awesome so far!!! I am actually now EXCITED for the next seven Tuesday nights, from 6:30 to 8:00. I can't wait to see the financial changes we make, and benefits that ensue, after completing the course. If it is offered at a church near you, I highly recommend it!

Aunt Lu duty. Lastly, I was on kiddo care overdrive this week, as I took care of my adorable 2-year-old niece and 8-month-old nephew for two days while my sister took care of some business. In other words, my house has been a total CIRCUS for the last two days, and while exhausting to care for four littles ages 5 and under (while my big, 7-year-old helper did his thang at school), it sure was fun!!! I just adore spending time with all of my nieces and nephews, so this was a real treat for ol' Aunt Lu. <3

And on that note, TGIF, y'all! I hope you enjoy your weekend, whether you choose to hibernate or paint the town red. Have a good one! For now, it's Lu Crew, out!

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