Friday, November 9, 2018

Cheers to the Weekend, Daylight Savings Took Me Down Edition


Can we talk about the ways Daylight Savings Time tried to take successfully took me down this week and all while my hub was on the other side of the world for the duration? (1) I gashed a tire, while driving (more on that below) that ultimately ended in the replacement of all four tires on my car mid-week; (2) Harrison contracted a random stomach bug that resulted in some not-so-pleasant cleaning of some not-so-pleasant stuff off my hallway floors and toilets and required multiple rounds of emergency clothes washing; (3) Our microwave broke (i.e., my primary means of cooking while my hub is out of town for multiple days #survivalmode), requiring the ordering of a new one that took three days to arrive (hence our cereal-for-dinner-night on one of said nights); (4) my children (and myself) waking up BEFORE 5:00 AM 3/5 days and BEFORE 5:15 AM 2/5; (5) epic meltdowns...oh, and the kids had multiple meltdowns, too. ;) Let's just say Banks described me as an "Earthquake Mom" after one of my meltdowns. But I was proud to deem myself an "Aftershock Mom" after I sort-of controlled myself the following day. Hey, baby steps, right? 

Seriously, though: I am pooped. You may have won this time, DST. But it's Friday, and there's victory in that. Fist bump, mommas. Let's do this thing. 

Oh, and also, hooooooow is it November, y'all? I feel like I say that at the start of every month. Umm...Lindsay, it's November because time passes, days go by, and seasons change. 

But wow! November! We've started ours off with a bang (of earthquake proportions?) but are excited for a fun month of thankfulness, family, friends, football, and all things Fall. A few things we're saying CHEERS to:

Clemson Football. Last weekend, immediately following the mountain getaway my hub and I snuck in, we headed straight to our alma mater: Clemson! We are die-hard fans and go to as many games as we can each season. And last weekend was our kid-free Clemson weekend with our college besties. ;) And as anticipated, it was a blast! And it was a great win for our Tigers! Now, we cross our fingers we can pull out the victory against Boston College this weekend. Come on, Tigers!! You've got this!

God's protection. Gracious, y'all. I had a scary few moments earlier this week after dropping Harrison and friends off at preschool. The next thing I knew, one of my tires was quickly losing air and I could hear it gushing out while driving down the road, shaking and praying it wouldn't explode or something crazy. I rolled into my driveway right as the PSI of the tire hit...ZERO. It was completely flat. And Clay was on the other side of the world. Thanks to a good friend who was able to change the tire for me, I was able to drive my car safely to a tire place the next day and get four new tires. The culprit of my scary ordeal? This: 

Halloween. Hard to believe that Halloween has come and gone, but we sure had fun! Banks and Raleigh had book character day at school that day. They were Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Pinkalicious, respectively. 

Harrison had a (kids only) Halloween party in his class, and Bella had a parents-and-kids Halloween party in hers! 

That afternoon, our awesome Nana and Pop arrived to take in the Halloween fun, and the kiddos were SO excited to see them! After several hours of trick-or-treating around our fun 'hood, we hung up our Halloween hats and got some good shut eye before November greeted us the next morning!

And then, the kids proceeded to have four days of Nana and Pop fun while my hub and I were away! It was a great way to close out October and welcome in November! 

Baptism celebration. At Camp Rock this summer, my sweet, sweet Banks independently decided that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior. It was such a beautiful, proud moment (my hub and I witnessed it over a Live feed we just so happened to be watching of the camp one night). At our church, children are not baptized as babies. Instead, we wait until the child is old enough to understand what it means to be a Christian, and expresses an interest in being baptized, and understand what that means, too. And now, Banks has expressed his desire to be a Christian and be baptized. And he understands what it means. And so, in nine days, he will be baptized in front of our family, our friends, our church. Earlier this week, he and I attended our church's Baptism Celebration event, to make sure he is, in fact, ready, willing, and enthusiastic about this monumental occasion: and he is! And I am, and will continue to be, one proud, weepy, oh-so-happy momma. <3

And now, the weekend awaits! My hub was actually in China on business from Monday to yesterday morning and then left for Tennessee yesterday afternoon for a guys weekend away with his college buds; so, my s{quad} and I will be flying solo this weekend with very few plans aside from an early morning basketball practice tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see where the weekend takes us (and also gladly welcome my hub back home on Sunday!). Have a fun one, friends! And Go Tigers!! 

Keep it cool, y'all! 

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