Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Pre-, During, and Post-Thanksgiving 2018

Helloooooo, friends! And Happy Holidays! I hope everyone had the loveliest of Thanksgiving weeks, filled with family and friends and food and football and fun! I thought I'd kick off this post-Thanksgiving, pre-Christmas post with a look at our Lu Crew life lately. ;) 

First things first: just over a week ago, our Banks was baptized. It was a beautiful morning of celebration, and we are SO proud of him for making this choice to boldly and brightly live his life as a Christian. We were so thankful to have both sets of his grandparents in attendance for the occasion as well as his aunt, uncle, and cousins and some dear friends. We celebrated his Baptism with brunch at a favorite local restaurant and so enjoyed our special extra time with Bammy and Digby and Nana and Pop. It was a special day, indeed. 

Last week was fun for my sweet lil' preschoolers, both of whom enjoyed (kids-only; no parents allowed!) feasts in their classrooms. 

After the school feasting fun had ended, we headed out of town on Tuesday for our first family feast with my "in law's" "side" of the family on Wednesday. We so enjoyed our time with our Nana and Pop and then loved seeing aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents. It was a wonderful trip for all! 

Before we left to head back to the Mill on Thanksgiving morning, my hub and I completed the Aiken Turkey Trot together. And then, it was time to hit the road!

We arrived home, freshened up, and immediately joined the rest of my "side" of the family at the home of one of my sisters. It was a full, fun day of playing and cooking and chatting and laughing, and we loved every minute! When we were stuffed to the brim, we headed back home to get a little shut eye...

...before us ladies enjoyed our annual Family Black Friday shopping excursion together! We've been doing this for as long as I can remember, and I just LOVE it. We hit up several of my favorite local stores and ended with our traditional lunch with Bloody Marys, always G. Gram's treat for the rest of us. AND this year we let Raleigh, and her bff/cousin, Cameron, join us big girls for the fun, which made it that much more special. Four generations of women I adore. <3  

And then, we rested! We basically spent the next two days in our jammies, with a fire burning, homemade soup stewing on the stove, wings cooking on the Big Green Egg,  and tailgate apps cooking in the oven. We watched football and online Christmas shopped and enjoyed each other's company, just the six of us. :) AND we cheered on our Clemson Tigers as they took on the Gamecocks...and won! Go Tigers! 

We ended our Thanksgiving break as we always do, going to Penland Tree Farm in York, South Carolina, to find, cut down, and bring home our Christmas tree. Unfortunately, we couldn't find that perfect tree we were a huntin' there; so, we then headed to another local spot and were more successful at finding a real beaut. ;) 

We headed home and spent the rest of the afternoon decorating it and our home, sipping hot chocolate, eating daddy's homemade veggie soup, and watching the Grinch. 

It truly was a wonderful week with our family, and we are counting our blessings for all the Good Lord has given us. <3 I hope yours was a great week with loved ones as well. And now? Full steam ahead toward Christmas. All aboard!!

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