Monday, October 14, 2019

Cheers to the Week, Busy Bees Edition

CHEERS to a new week, friends! This week will include the first meeting of my new Life Group, the start of teacher conferences for my s{quad}, a field trip for my kindergartener, three weeknight football games for the Luton brothers, a monthly gathering my mentor hosts, gymnastics, dance, golf, tennis, therapies, etc., and that's just over the next four days. Whew! It'll be a busy one before a nice, 3-day weekend awaits. A few things we're saying CHEERS to amid the week's shenanigans:

Surprise day off from school. Last Thursday, we had a last minute, random day off from school after a water main break in our county. It was so nice to have a random Thursday off to regroup and recharge before a weekend during which my hub was away on a guys' trip. Luckily, school was back on for Friday and just in time for Harrison's kindergarten community helper day! Also lucky? That he was able to get an extra wear out of his Halloween costume choice for this year: the cutest lil' police officer I ever did see. ;) (and please check out that adorable second pic his teacher snapped at school - swoon!). 

New carpet. Does it make me old that I am saying CHEERS to new carpet?! Ha! Well, so be it. ;) We have some updates coming to our home and we started with new carpets to replace the 11-year-old ones that were installed when our house was built back in 2008. I am loving the stain-free, soft new carpets and am crossing my fingers they stay that way for years to come. We also decided to pull the carpet off our stairs, and I am liking the look so much better! 

Bring-a-friend to dance week. Bella is still loving dance and last week was Bring-A-Friend to Dance Week. Our sweet friend, Parker, joined us for the day, and the little cuties were so adorable I could hardly stand it! 

Momma Weekend. As I mentioned, my hub was away on a guys' trip last weekend which meant flying solo with my s{quad}. We had a busy but fun weekend that included our traditional Friday family movie night, where we continue to watch movies from when I was growing up. On the docket for last Friday? We finished up the Back to the Future trilogy by watching Part III, and the kids loved it! The next morning, I was able to sneak away for coffee with my mentor before taking Banks to his homecoming game later that afternoon. I was so proud of him: he was a nervous wreck all day, as his team would be playing the team that smoked them during their first game of the season. Nonetheless, he took the field and remained calm and composed as the QB and his team played their best game of the season, winning 8-6. Go Blue Dragons! 

A little church volunteering and a birthday party for one of Bella's buddies closed out the relaxing Fall weekend as we happily welcomed Dad back home! 

Sweater weather. 'Nuff said.

Alright, friends. Y'all have a wonderful week! Be back soon with that post I keep talking about, as soon as I can find the time to get 'er done. ;) Have a good one! 

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