Friday, November 22, 2019

Cheers to the Weekend, Shhh! Surprising the Kiddos Edition

Hip, Hip, Hooray! It's Friday! And what a Friday indeed. For starters, my hub arrived back home last night after being in San Fran all week. AND we are surprising our kiddos with a secret getaway this weekend. They have NO idea, and we'll be letting them know as soon as they get off the bus today. I cannot WAIT. More on that (and the major travel snafu I made) next week, but for now, a few things we are saying CHEERS to as we welcome in this pre-Thanksgiving weekend: 

Sweet sibs. Just as it is with all other things in life, my children's relationships with one another go through various seasons. Some are undoubtedly challenging, but currently, we are in a sweet spot. As much as they each love spending time with their friends, they love spending time with one another, too, and have been so loving and kind to each other the last few months. In fact, two nights ago, while I was downstairs cleaning the kitchen, they all went upstairs to get ready for bed. When I made my way up there, I heard only Banks' muffled voice. I opened the door to Harrison's room and found all four of them piled together in Harrison's bed while Banks read them a bedtime story (and was told Raleigh had read to them all just moments before). Heart melted. <3 I am oh-so-thankful for this season with this s{quad}. 

Triple Momma Date. And because my hub was gone all week, my three bigs got to accompany their littlest sis to her dance class this week. Luckily, there is a Starbucks within walking distance; so, I got to squeeze in a Triple Momma Date with my OGs while Bellaboo did her thang in her dance class. A win for all! 

Basketball. Speaking of extra-curriculars, winter sports have begun! Banks started his basketball practices last week and Harrison is scheduled to start this weekend (which he'll have to miss thanks to our little trip away). We are so lucky that both boys ended up on teams with so many of their good buddies. It's going to be a great season for both, no doubt! Meanwhile, Rals continues to rock gymnastics while Bels continues to dance her heart out. And I continue to taxi them around - ha! 

Luton vs. Luton. I can't remember if I've mentioned on here that my hub and I have (mostly) been eating a plant-based diet after watching a documentary called Game Changers about a month ago (please hear this: all rules are out the window during Thanksgiving feasting. Sorry turkeys). Anywho, last Sunday we hosted some family for a little chili cook-off, BUT we didn't tell our guests the chilis were entire plant-based. And I must say: both were really good! I've been eating off of both of them all week and they are still quite tasty, especially during these unseasonably cold days we've been having! 

Battle of the Books. Last week, after months of reading and early morning preparation  and meetings with his team, Banks participated in our school's first "Battle of the Books." This is actually a nation-wide competition, and Friday's competition involved head-to-head assigned book trivia battles between each of the five teams. It was a double elimination competition, and Banks' team, "The Globetrotters," made it to the championship round! They lost in a close match to the "Reading Machines," but it was also to watch. Banks has already said he wants to do it again next year. So thankful for the deep love of reading our school works so hard to instill in the students. <3 

Bella's school feast. Our littlest Lu had her Thanksgiving Feast at preschool last Thursday (kids only party - not mad about that! Ha!). She started off the morning a little...*salty*...(a lot salty. Like the Pacific.), but a cracker turned that frown upside down so I could capture the totally staged "Look at my happy child!" photo. Just tryin' to keep it real, not highlight reel, here, friends. ;) My little turkey DID have fun at her party and was much happier when I picked her up. 

Alright, y'all. We are OUTTA here! I hope everyone has a restful weekend before the holiday madness begins! Be back early next week before the shenanigans take over! Stay warm, cozy, and sweet. <3

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