Monday, September 28, 2015

Mom-ing Through Faith: Stay Tuned

Hi mommas! 

As we all know, mommahood requires equal parts love, patience, kindness, prayer, discipline, support, partnership, caffeine, wine :), and grace.  

Please offer me these crucial elements, especially the latter, as I work hard to put together the next few weeks posts on Mom-ing Through Faith topics that have me crying out, "Yes!", "Amen to that!", and "I know that's right!" 

Instead of today's typical post, I would just ask that you take a moment to pray for all the mommas out there, those who may be struggling and those who may be thriving; those who long to be mommas and those who are having *one of those days*; those who may need a little more grace, coffee, love, and support as we kick off a new week. 

Thank you! 

Meanwhile, I'll be working hard on the next few Mom-ing Through Faith posts while also taking time away to celebrate the one who made me a momma as he turns 6 years old. <3

Amen and amen. 

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