Tuesday, September 29, 2015


The thing about you, my 6-year-old boy,
Is that you have taught me the meaning of joy.

You've taught me to rise before the sun shines;
You've taught me of patience among tired whines.

You've taught me forgiveness when there are mistakes;
You've taught me the upmost importance of grace.

You've taught me that kindness never gets old;
You've taught me that friendship is better than gold.

You've taught me of bugs and spiders and snakes;
You've taught me to try, whatever it takes.

You've taught me of bravery when life feels unsure;
You've taught me that love can be simple and pure.

You've taught me to slow down and watch what you do;
You've taught me that faith shines brightest through you.
You've taught me to throw expectations away;
You've taught me new chances come with each day.

You've taught me to laugh while we gallop and run;
You've taught me to recall that life is so fun.

You've taught me such pure and unfiltered love;
You've taught me that you are a gift from above.

And while you learn from me, too, my sweet boy,
You are my best teacher of love, faith, and joy.

Thank you, Banks, for teaching me something new every single day; for being the most loving big brother I've ever seen; for making your daddy's eyes sparkle with pride; for making me a momma, and with that, making my wildest dreams come true the day you were born six years ago. You are my sunshine, and you are adored.

With All My Heart,


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