Friday, May 12, 2017

Cheers to the Weekend, Crawling to the Finish Line Edition

You guys. Good GRACIOUS am I happy today is Friday!!! 

Before I go into our weekly cheers-ing, I want to express my sincerest, most heart-felt gratitude to our absolutely amazing family and friends who have commented, texted, messaged, and hugged us over our joyful news of finding our precious girl. We are blown away by your kind words and support. Truly. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. 

And now, I would like to humbly and gratefully ask for continuous prayers for our family and for our girl. There are still hoops to jump through, hurdles to cross, and lots of waiting to do. Everything is out of our hands now. All we can do is hope and pray that China approves us to adopt our precious little lady. We won't know for many weeks (months?) whether we are approved. So. Our waiting continues. 

I can tell you this: our little lady turned two this month; she loves being outside, playing with balls, and listening to music; while she can be timid, she enjoys spending time with her caregivers and friends; so, she'll fit right in with my crazy crew. :) I can also tell you that she is one of the most beautiful, precious, amazing little ladies that I have ever seen. <3

And now, onward with what else has been happening around these parts. Like the rest of y'all, the end of the school year is just absolutely NUTS around here! Between extra baseball games this week (3! #playoffs) and my hub's birthday and (more) adoption paperwork and baking and decorating four dozen cookies and tennis and gymnastics and school volunteering and a 3-year-old well-check and, WHEW!!!!! Hello Friday! 

Here's what we're saying CHEERS to this week/end, aside from our littlest lady

Baseball playoffs. As I mentioned, tonight (pending no rain-out!) will be game 3 of 3 for this week. Banks' coach's pitch team, the Volunteers, are facing one of the top seeds tonight; so, we'll see how it goes. Go Vols!

Tennis. I have been having the best time since I've gotten back on the courts this spring. My partner, V, and I had another T2 match this week and won in the tiebreaker! Woohoo! Can't wait for our next match next week!

Daddy's birthday. My hub turned the big 3-7 on Tuesday! We started the day by hitting up his favorite breakfast spot (Waffle House), and he ended the day, after a night out with his guys, at 2:00 am at...Waffle House. Ha! Now THAT was a good day for my hub. ;)

Well-check. Harrison had his 3-year well-check yesterday and is developing just swimmingly. :) I previously mentioned that, as a 2-year-old, he was an absolute delight! Well, I jinxed myself. The last couple weeks since he turned 3 have been a little...dicey...but it comes with the territory of the threenager stage, I suppose. Regardless, I was so proud of how well he did at his appointment and am hoping 3 will turn out to be an awesome age for our little Dennis the Menace. :) 

Although our weekend is also chock full (no rest for the weary, amIright), at least it will be loaded with fun things! We'll be grabbing pizza with friends before hitting the baseball field tonight (#moreplayoffs) and heading to the soccer field tomorrow morning. That is, of course, unless the forecasted rain cancels all that. Regardless, we also have a baseball banquet to attend, and my hub and I will be headed out to a super fun, theme party tomorrow night. And then, of course, Mother's Day! The good news is, we have just one more day of preschool and just seven more full-days and two half-days left of 1st grade. And then, SUMMER, glorious summer!!! 

Alright. That's all I can muster for now. Have a great weekend! And HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all my favorite mommas out there - you know who you are. ;) Love you all! 

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