Monday, October 30, 2017

Cheers to the Weekend...err...Week Edition

Whelp. The ol' blog is back up and running, but only after having to buy a new computer after mine died out of nowhere last week. A couple trips to the Apple store later, and here we are. So much has happened over the last two weeks, and for sake of my little online scrapbook, here are some of the things we've been saying CHEERS to over the last couple weeks: 

Visits with family. We had a lot of fun with my "side" of the family last weekend, with one of my sisters and her trio coming to the Mill to meet Bella. We had been counting down the minutes for this meeting and once my sister finally got the green light, she was able to come and meet her newest niece. We had the BEST time together that weekend, and it was SO needed. We laughed and cried, we ran and lounged, we played with the seven kiddos who took over the house, and just enjoyed each other's company. It was blissful.

Then, we headed to Columbia that Saturday, along with the rest of my siblings, to surprise my momma at a retirement party! My mom was SO surprised and, for the first time ever, we had all 13 BLOMPS cousins together. :)

Fall Fun continues. Ever since we moved to the Mill five years ago, we haven't missed our town's Fall Frolic - it is one of my favorite Fall traditions! And now that one of my sisters lives right down the road, we met up there and enjoyed it together! So fun!


And then, this past Friday, one of my good friends hosted a chili night at her home. There were seven families, a whole bunch of kids, and a whole bunch of fun! 

School success. I am so, so proud of Banks and Raleigh and how well they are doing at school in their second grade and kindergarten years. This is the first year Banks gets actual grades and he brought home a straight-A report card. Go Banks! And Raleigh brought home an awesome report card, too, with the sweetest comments from her teacher. Go Rals! Proud (bragging) momma, over here. ;)

Halloween fun. We are SO excited for Halloween tomorrow! I convinced my kiddos to dress in themed costumes, and I about died when I tried Bella's on her the first time. Can't wait to share! And tomorrow is my most favorite social media day of the year. I may despise social media sometimes for many reasons, but Halloween is not one of them - seeing kids in costumes is my FAVORITE! We were also thrilled to continue the tradition of being "Boo'd" and getting to "Boo Back" two neighbors. The holiday season has officially been kicked off!

Losing a game...and a tooth. Okay, so I'm not CHEERSing the fact that Banks' team lost their flag football game last Thursday, but I am CHEERSing that Banks lost his tooth during the game! He got hit in the mouth (thank goodness for mouthguards!) and came running over to the sideline, crying. "I lost my tooth!" he cried. was still in his mouth, hanging on by a thread. So, he pulled it out, handed it to me, and went back in the game where he scored a touchdown and got an interception. AND it all happened in front of his sweet teacher, who came to cheer him on in his game. <3  

College BFFs. It is no secret that we are avid Tiger fans in my house. It's where my hub and I went to college (and met and fell in love). And it's also where I met some of my favorite friends in the whole wide world. I just love my girls so much. So, this weekend, six of us met up in Tiger Town for the Clemson/Georgia Tech game. The forecast promised rain but that didn't stop us. No siree Bob. Honestly? It was a BLAST going to the game in the pouring rain! And because of the ski pants, poncho, and baseball hat I wore, I was warm and completely dry to the bone! It was such a great weekend away with my girls.

And, my hub had a blast with our kiddos - at one point, having eight kids playing at our house while he solo dad-ed it. Ha! A win-win for all, especially since the Tigers also got the win! Woot!  

Modern medicine. I'll go more into this in tomorrow's post, but I am also saying CHEERS that Bella has recovered from a major surgery she had last week. We have an incision check this week and another check again in two weeks to ensure everything is healting as it should, but I am happy to share that our little rockstar is completely off her pain meds. Go, Bella, go! And a big shout out to my momma, who took care of our big three back home while we stayed overnight in the children's hospital with our Bels. <3

And, that's all I've got in me for now - if you've made it this far, thanks for reading! I'll be back tomorrow with an update on our Bellaboo and again later in the week for the Halloween costume reveal. :) Have a GREAT week, y'all!


  1. So thankful to our Savior for healing this sweet baby’s girl! I knew He would! That’s what we prayed for. Y’all sound like such a happy family, immediate and extended. You and your hubs are so devoted to bringing hear little ones up with so much love, fun and most of all Christ! Can’t wait for the next installment of the Luton review! I’m still curious what BLOMPS are. God bless all!

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