Tuesday, November 14, 2017

They Are Listening

For as long as I can remember, every time I have heard an ambulance with it's sirens blaring, I have said a prayer: I pray for the person in need of help; I pray for the family of that person, who will soon be getting a call that will rock their world; I pray for the medical professionals working so hard to help that person.

I say this prayer aloud and then go about my day, often thinking nothing more of it. 

A few times this has happened, my kiddos have been in the car with me. Not breaking the habit, I continued in my purposeful prayer for those who would be affected by that siren's wail, again thinking nothing more of it just moments later.

Maybe it should come as no surprise, what happened a couple weeks ago. But. It did. 

I was driving home with Banks from his orthodontist appointment. As we approached the road that would lead to our neighborhood, we came upon the scene of an accident. The firetrucks were already there as was the ambulance, lights flashing. We saw the overturned truck and the police officer assisting the driver. It was then, in that exact moment that the scene came into sight, that I heard from the back seat,

"Momma? Can we pray for them, please?"

My sweet, sweet boy. 

And it struck me: They are listening. These babies of mine, they are always listening. Even when they don't immediately acknowledge the things I say in passing, the advice I offer in times of need, the tidbits of insight I throw their way, they are listening. 

Sometimes, this manifests as it did that day, as we were driving along and happened upon that accident: it shows up as sweet little boys who innocently ask to pray for those in need, because he has heard his momma do it before. 

Sometimes, it reveals itself in more unfortunate ways, when sweet little voices are raised and phrases are mimicked, those that have been said in the heat of stressful, exhausted, anxiety-filled moments.

It is all too clear: These little ears, they are listening. They are always listening.

That car ride was an incredibly impactful reminder for me: the words and the tone and the wisdom and the guidance I impart are being absorbed. And I want the messages to be nurturing, purposeful, and life-giving.

Because there will be a phase when my advice is met with disregard. There will be days when hands wanting to be held will be replaced with eye rolls, when requests for snuggles will be replaced with closed doors, when family time will be overlooked by friend time. When little ears no longer want to listen to big advice.

But those days have not yet arrived for my family.

So, for today, I will do my best to remember that they are always listening. And I will recognize it for the privilege that it is.

But also, I will remember that I need to do more of the same: Listening. Listening to little voices that can have a big impact on a momma's heart.

 ...Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. James 1:19. 

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