Friday, April 12, 2019

Cheers to the Weekend, Spring Break Edition

HIP, HIP, HOORAY!!!! Spring Break week has officially arrived as of 2:25 this afternoon! It was quite a busy week for this bunch, and if you want to know how desperately in need of a break I am, keep reading...

A few things we're saying CHEERS to as we welcome in the weekend: 

Clemson Tigers take the field. The last time we watched our Tigers take the field, it was in California, as they took down Bama and brought home the Natty #GoTigers. ;) So, we were thrilled when my hub spontaneously suggested we head to Tiger Town on Saturday to watch the Spring Game. We've never been to the annual Spring Game, but after Harrison's teeball game was cancelled, there was no stopping us from hitting the road! It was the most BEAUTIFUL day for some football, and we just loved seeing our Tigers on that field again. <3

Sister dates. The night before, my sister, brother "in law," hub, and I headed to a brand new, absolutely delicious restaurant here in the Mill and had the most FANTASTIC meal. Local friends, if you haven't already, hit up Spice in Kingsley immediately. My hub had the Pad Thai, I had the Green Curry, and we both basically licked our dishes clean. SO good.

Spartan Race. Also last weekend (it was a busy one!), my kiddos and I headed to Concord, North Carolina, to cheer on my hub in his first ever Spartan race. It was muddy and hard, and he did awesome! We were cheering loud and were so proud of him. Go Daddy! 

Rain --> free nights. We had two days of heavy rain at the start of the week, which lead to three days in a row of cancelled sports practices - unheard of this time of year, amIright? We took full advantage and squeezed in an extra Family Movie Night. As I wrote in last week's post, I am trying to slowly introduce my kiddos to some of my favorite family movies from when I was a child. This week, my hub had the perfect suggestion, one that I had left off of that list: Dennis the Menace. If you know our sweet Harrison, you know that his nickname is DTM (aka Dennis the Menace) and suits him perfectly. Remember, this is the child who hopped on our friend's golf cart and managed to drive it into our bushes, while his buddy giggled alongside him like a real life Bonnie and Clyde. Oh, DTM. You are one of a kind. And the kids LOVED the movie! 

STEAM performance, Take 1. This week was also Banks' 3rd grade STEAM performance. He did great with his little speaking part and then made this momma cry when he, along with all of the adorable 3rd graders, concluded the show with "A Million Dreams" from The Greatest Showman. Just so sweet! 

Girlfriend time. Two other special events went down with girlfriends this week, and I just loved them both. The first was a Girls Night Out at a local venue with all proceeds benefitting my good friend's incredible foundation, The Gordon Owino Heart Foundation. We love this family and love the incredible work they are doing in honor of their beautiful ,amazing son (who is just one of their four beautiful, amazing kiddos). <3 

Two nights later, my girlfriend and I headed to a follow-up event from the Made+Known women's conference we attended a few weeks ago (that prompted the re-initiation of my "Mom-ing Through Faith" blog series). There is just something about a room full of incredibly honest, incredibly authentic women that lights my soul on fire. <3 

#MomFail. Okay, you guys want to know how desperately I am in need of a break? At the start of the week, we invited one of Raleigh's besties to join her for "Bring a Friend to Dance Week" at her dance studio. We arrived right on time to pick her up - both girls were SO excited, giggling and chatting the whole way there, adorned in their sweet dance attire. I dropped them off with a, "Have fun, girls!!" and proceeded to drive to the nearest gas station to fuel up. As I stood there pumping my gas, my phone rang, at which point I answered and heard the sweet receptionist from Raleigh's dance studio on the end of the line. It was at that point that I was gently informed that it was NOT, in fact, "Bring a Friend to Dance Week." That week is actually three weeks away. So, essentially, I dropped my daughter off to dance with an extra buddy in tow, who then had to sit in the room and watch the rest of the girls practice for their upcoming recital. OOPS. Spring Break, this momma is ready for you!

With that said...HELLO SPRING BREAK!!! I'll be kicking things off with a bang bright and early tomorrow morning, running my second half-marathon, right down the road in Charlotte! My goal is the same as last time: run the entire thing. Beating my previous finish time would be an added bonus. All prayers appreciated for no injuries, speed and endurance for the duration of the 13.3 miles (because they decided to tack on 0.2 extra miles to this race...whyyyyyy???) , and a little fun along the way! Also, can you pray for no rain? Because the forecast isn't looking as promising as I hoped it would. Gulp. Here goes nothing...

Other than that, for Spring Break we've got some fun plans and some travel plans and some friend plans and some family plans and some no plans and some Easter plans, and I can't wait for all of it! 

I'll be taking next week off from the ol' blog to focus on time with my Lu Crew but will be back the week after with at least three posts, maybe four if I'm feeling extra blog-gy. :) Have a fantastic week/end, friends!  

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