Thursday, April 25, 2019


Dear Harrison,

Five years ago, at 7:55 am, you entered this world and stole such a big piece of my heart. Your daddy and I had kept the news of whether you would be a boy or girl to ourselves, and we couldn't wait to share the news. Moments after you were born, your daddy proudly walked out to the hospital waiting room and whispered the big news in your big brother, Banks', ear, who then announced to your grandparents, big sister, aunt and cousins, "It's a boy!" He then proceeded to share with all that you would be named "Sammy Watkins," after his favorite Clemson football player - Ha! #GoTigers, a statement that was met with laughter before being corrected by your Dad: you had been named Harrison Robert, after your great grandpa, who I always adored and was one of the greatest men I have ever known. <3

Since that day, you have brought so much joy (and lots of clenched teeth and deep breaths, if I'm being honest ;) ) to our life, buddy. You make your daddy and I laugh Whether you are re-enacting a scene from America's Funniest Videos or making a quick-witted remark, you keep us entertained and so happy. But we always remember NOT to tell you you are hilarious - you can't stand for anyone to call you that. 

You are so emotionally attuned with those around you - if you notice I am frustrated or upset, you will stop what you're doing to come to my side, immediately asking, "Are you okay?" before giving me a big hug. You are the best snuggler and never turn down a chance to cozy up with me during our Family Movie Nights. You are sensitive and sweet, always kind to your friends and one who always wants to make others feel included. You have such a precious heart, honey. 

You absolutely ADORE your big brother - he hung the moon and the sun and all the stars, in your eyes. Even though you are four years younger than him, you two are thick as thieves, and it has been such a beautiful blessing to watch your relationship blossom over the last few years. If Banks is doing it, you want in: In fact, when we went to Disney earlier this year, you would literally say, "I want what Banks is getting" every time a waitress would come to our table to take our order, no matter what he was having. :) More days than not, all I need to do is look in our backyard after school to find you and Banks playing baseball or football together. My sweet, sweet boys. And that's not to say you're not close to your sisters - you and Raleigh have so much fun together and you just love to cheer on your "Bella baby." You are the sweetest, buddy.

I must say this, too, though: while you were an absolute angel during the "Terrible Twos," we should have seen what was coming during ages 3 and 4 - we were due for it, I suppose, seeing as how you were such a ridiculously sweet and easy 2-year-old. But those two years that followed were a bit more...shall we say...challenging. Some days I would forget what your actual voice sounded like, certain I would only hear whines for the rest of my life. You would be up way-too-early most days (and you continue to be our earliest riser) and only recently have you not needed daily naps. It was a tricky two years. BUT I feel like we have finally crested that mountain, as your sweet, easy-going nature has re-surfaced recently...most days. ;) 

Honey, you are SO ready for kindergarten. While my momma heart will ache a little when you graduate from our beloved preschool next month, you could not be more excited to attend FMES next year. You are smart and hard-working, admittedly more of an academic than an artist (apple doesn't fall too far, buddy), and you absolutely LOVE to write out names and words. All your teachers, both those at your preschool and those you met with during kindergarten registration, all commented on what beautiful handwriting you have - and you really do! So neat and precise. :) In addition to your academic growth you have also hit a growth spurt recently and while, you are the littlest of the Lu Crew bio babes, you are definitely looking more grown up and more like a big boy these days. Siiiiigh. Time just won't listen when I ask it to slow down. 

Harrison, you are absolutely adored by our family. You are the sweetest, snuggliest, funniest, smartest, happiest little light in my life, and I am so proud to be your momma. Keep doing you, buddy. I'll be with you every step of the way. Happy 5th Birthday, Harrison Robert. You are one of a kind.

With All My Heart, 


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