Friday, December 13, 2019

Cheers to the Weekend, Christmastime Edition

Ho, Ho, Holidays! We are making the most of this holiday season (hence the slowed production of blog posts) and have been busy little Lus over here, soaking it all in while trying to maintain our holiday sanity. ;) A look at a few things we're saying CHEERS to as we welcome in this mid-December weekend:

The ring that changed things. Let's kick things off by being honest and keeping it REAL: some kiddos have seasons that are more *challenging* than others, and we are deep in the throes of one with one of ours. It has been hard. Really, really hard. But we are pushing through and trying different ways to navigate this season and try to help the best we can. One of the ways that I have been surviving this seemingly never-ending phase is to focus on the sweet, joyful moments. And last week, our elementary school's Holiday Shop provided a beautiful one for me. Let me back up: We let each of our kiddos take a little cash to school to buy gifts for each other and us parents. Harrison's class got to visit the store early in the week. When the bus pulled up that afternoon, he basically leapt down the stairs, tore open his book bag, and insisted I open the gift he had carefully selected for me right then and there. I don't think I have ever seen him prouder. I opened the bag to find a *beautiful* ring. And then I looked at his sweet face, beaming with pride, and tried to contain my tears as I slipped it on. I have worn it every moment since. And he gazes down at my hand each day, sees it, and the corners of his mouth slyly upturn into that sweet, proud smile again. <3 This little ring has served as such an impactful visual reminder to focus on the good and the joy and know that there is good to be found, even in the hard. 

The wonderment of face-painting. Last weekend, Bella attended the birthday party of our adorable neighbor buddy, and as part of the festivities, got to have her face painted for the first time ever. She sat so still and kept looking in the little hand-held mirror she grasped, staring in awe at the pretty flowers being artistically painted on her face. And then I basically melted into a puddle onto the floor. Swoon. And Happy Birthday, sweet N! You are so loved, buddy!

Secret Santa. An amazing girlfriend kicked off the holidays with such a fun event last week, assigning a each of us among a group of girlfriends with a Secret Santa. Each day last week, we left gifts for our assigned Secret Santa in their mailbox or on their doorstep, and them excitedly awaited our Secret Santa to drop gifts for us. Our identities were revealed at a luncheon on Friday - so fun! I also made cookies as a little favor for the luncheon, which I thought turned out pretty cute! I don't get to decorate cookies as often as I'd like; so, when I can squeeze it in, it is such a treat for me (pun intended ;) ). 

ACC Championship. My hub and I decided a few days before the ACC Championship that we wanted to go, especially seeing as how it's in Charlotte, a mere 20 minutes from our home. Thanks to an awesome friend, we found ourselves with vouchers for free tickets. And thanks to another awesome friend, we were able to park in his place of employment (aka free parking). An hour before our sitter arrived, Banks mentioned that he had never been to a night game. My hub and I glanced at each other and the decision was made: the three of us headed out at 4:30 pm, vouchers in hand. We had assumed the seats would be the upper deck of the upper deck, but we could not have been more wrong. We somehow lucked into dream seats. It was amazing!! Our Tigers pulled out the victory and are now headed to the playoffs in Arizona. While we won't be making that trip, we are crossing our fingers and toes they make their way to New Orleans in January for the big game. Let's go, Tigers!

Carollers. Earlier this week, we got to experience the sweetest Christmas moment as a family: for the first year, chorus members from our high school went around our neighborhood carolling. I had tears in my eyes the entire time they were singing (I am basically a big emotional wreck this time of year, for the duration of December). It was beautiful and we all loved it so much!

Gingerbread party. We knocked out Holiday Party 1 of 4 yesterday, with Bella's class inviting parents to a Gingerbread Party. It was absolutely adorable and Bellaboo had the best time with her momma, teachers, and friends. :) 

Traditions abound. We have quite a few Christmas traditions we do 'round these parts each year: writing letters to Santa, painting pottery (including an addition to our Christmas Day dinnerware), baking and selling cookie dough. I just love these activities with my people. 

And that's that! Before we head out to celebrate Christmas with our BLOMPS family this weekend, we've got a busy day ahead, filled with Harrison's kindergarten holiday program; a Favorite Things party (my fave!!); and the first of two weeks of Doc Momma dough distribution (68 batches of cookie dough being made this week and next). Whew! And then, we will join all five of my siblings, all 15 cousins, a Bammy, a Digby, and a partridge in a pear tree as we pile in and celebrate Christmas together. And I CAN'T WAIT. 

I hope the weekend is good to you and that you are able to find some peace and joy amongst the holiday chaos. Be back soon, friends! For now, I've got a cutie kindergartener to go cheer on as he sings his heart out. :) May your weekend be magical, friends. <3

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