Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Oh So Thankful

Some how, some way, Thanksgiving has come and gone, and I swear it went by lickity split. Before Christmas follows suit, I wanted to share our Thanksgiving adventures in my lil' ol' internet scrapbook for memory's sake. <3

Before school let out, both Bella and Harrison got to enjoy Thanksgiving celebrations with their classes. Although Bels was initially a little peeved, she quickly turned her attitude around when she realized Thanksgiving = lots and lots of feasting. Ha!

Additionally, my hub's LifeGroup hosted an amazing gathering in our neighborhood allowing us to connect with neighbors we already know as well as meet some we didn't yet know. It was such a great way to gather with neighbors, following an amazing series our church had presented over the few weeks prior, called "The Art of Neighboring." 

Two days later, we broke the kids out of school a little early on Tuesday and headed to Aiken, South Carolina, for the first of two family feasts. My "in laws" host a gigantic family feast on Wednesday, and we always look so forward to this special occasion. And my kiddos were so thrilled to have all their cousins there to join in the fun and festive feasting this year. They played non-stop, and I loved the time I got to soak in with my own kiddos as well as my nieces and nephews. <3

For the second year, my hub and I awoke Thanksgiving morning and joined in Aiken's 5K Turkey Trot. We then showered up, got the kiddos dressed, and hopped in the car to head to my parents' house in Irmo, South Carolina, for Feast #2. We had a smaller crowd with most of my siblings spending time with in-laws this year, spanning three different states, but we still so enjoyed the BLOMPS family time we got to share with those of us who were at Bammy and Digby's. 

After we were fully fed and stuffed to the brim, we headed home just in time for bedtime. The next day, Black Friday, Raleigh and I were up and at 'em to carry out our annual tradition of BLOMPS family shopping. We always kick off the day by getting some yummy Starbucks fuel and treats before hitting up a few stores to score some good deals. We then end the excursion by going to lunch and cheers-ing with Bloody Marys. Some years, there is a whole slew of us. Others, like this year, we each carry out the tradition in smaller groups, wherever we may be. This year, it was just Raleigh and me here in the Mill, but that wasn't going to stop us. We carried on the tradition and loved every minute of our girl time. <3

The next day was the big rivalry game: our Clemson Tigers vs. the Carolina Gamecocks. We watched the game from the comfort of our couch (Go Tigers! Great win!), and then got all dressed up to head to Triple Diamond Farm in Mooresville, North Carolina, about an hour away. 

We were so excited to visit the farm for their awesome "Santa Experience." There were cookies and hot chocolate and fresh popcorn (along with a champagne toast for the parents); there were animals to feed, BB guns to shoot, Christmas games to play, a reindeer train to ride, a corn pit to jump in; horse rides to enjoy; and an Angel giving tree for donating to those in need. 

We also got to visit with Santa in a private room for as long as we wanted, taking our own photos, and being surprised with little gifts once we were done. It was truly such an incredible experience for my kiddos, and we fully intend to return next year (Local friends: they only offer this experience the weekend immediately following Thanksgiving. It is worth it. Let me know if you want to join us next year!). 

We closed out our Thanksgiving break by decorating the tree we had found at Frosty's the weekend prior. It was such a wonderful way to end a wonderful week. 

I am feeling so thankful for the time I was able to share with those I love. Now, on to my most favorite holiday of them all... <3

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