Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Goldy....and Locks! 2019

It's hard to believe the pre-Christmas magic is coming to an end already! We were thrilled to welcome our elf, Gold E. Locks, back for the eighth year and could not believe it when another friend arrived just a few days later!!! A look at the shenanigans our crazy elf...errrr...elves...caused this holiday season: 

Day 1. Goldy arrived and brought with him a giant, cardboard workshop for the kiddos to decorate and play with.

Day 2. Goldy needed to get out some energy and simultaneously show off his candy wall  climbing skills. 

Day 3. Goldy brought the annual Advent calendar for the little Lus to enjoy, along with a new Nativity play set to remind them of the reason for the season. 

Day 4. Our personalized Santa messages arrived this day, care of the Portable North Pole, courtesy of our favorite lil' elf. Thanks, Goldy!

Day 5. A special, sugary, cereal treat for breakfast? Awesome! 

Day 6. Goldy decided it was time to get crafty, gifting the kids with their own colorable, festive squishies. 

Day 7. Goldy's blood runneth orange! He was ready to cheer on the Tigers in the ACC championship and left a new ornament to celebrate a great year for our favorite football team!

Day 8. Elfin s'mores anyone? With peppermint Peeps, elf-shaped chocolates, and graham crackers at the ready, it was time for a special, post-dinner treat!

Day 9. We may not get much snow here in the South, but that didn't stop Goldy from being some snowballs for the kiddos to enjoy an epic snowball battle. And that sneaky ol' elf: a few were even edible!

Day 10. Goldy left special paper for the kiddos to draft their official Santa letters and drop in the special mailbox some of our sweet neighbors put out each year, which goes directly to the North Pole. 

Day 11. Hip, Hip Hooray! It was time for our annual Christmas pottery painting day! 

Day 12. Ohmygoodness!!!!! Goldy arrived with a brand new friend to join in the fun! Only...his lady friend needed a name. Lu Crew kiddos to the rescue: they decided that "Locks" was the perfect name for our new elfin bud. <3

Day 13. Goldy and Locks were so sweet to gift the kids with their official 2019 Christmas jammies, just in time for our trip to Bammy and Digby's for BLOMPSmas weekend. 

Day 14. With all the BLOMPS cousins causing a ruckus, Goldy and Locks arrived with some reindeer games for all to play, together. :) 

Day 15. One of our favorite events of the holiday season: The Nutcracker for us Lu ladies. Goldy and Locks left dresses and tickets for Raleigh and Bella to use that day. 

Day 16. Goldy and Locks must know that this Momma has the BIGGEST sweet tooth! They cooked up a candy omelet for my birthday, how thoughtful! 

Day 17. Elves? Or spies? Goldy and Locks delivered a special, secret code message, straight from the Jolly Ol' Soul himself!

Day 18. Yay! It's Gingerbread House time, and Goldy and Locks left all the supplies to make this a tasty little home. :) 

Day 19. School is out for Christmas! And so, Goldy and Locks brought a couple of games (Pin the Nose on the Elf! Christmas Charades!) and some party poppers to celebrate. 

Day 20. No time to rest now! Goldy and Locks made sure to get in a little Elf-ercise to help them make it through the home *stretch* and straight on to Christmas!

Day 21. Oh no!!! Looks like Goldy got trapped in the tv, that crazy lil' elf! 

Day 22. The big day is drawing near and the elves are getting a little delirious, making snowflakes out of toilet paper. Ha! 

Day 23. Goldy and Locks needed one last day of some good rest and decided to beat the chilly, rainy weather by cozying up in their very own igloo. 

Day 24. And that's.a.wrap. for the dynamic duo, who left supplies to make reindeer food and cookies for Santa just in time for Christmas Eve. 

Thank you for the joy and magic you brought to our family this year, Goldy and Locks. Rest well and we'll see you in 2020, dear elfin friends. <3

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