Friday, August 31, 2018

Cheers to the Weekend, Hello September Edition

Hi friends! I was absent from this spot for over a week, I know, BUT I don't want blogging to feel like a chore, and I don't want to publish a post just to have updated content on my blog. I want to write what I want, when I want. And this week, I just wasn't inspired to write, especially as we adjust to our new Fall schedule and routine. BUT I also use this space as my virtual scrapbook; so, please ignore the fluff that is my Friday CHEERS posts while I work to get my writing groove back. For now, here's what we're saying CHEERS to as we welcome in the weekend (woot! woot!): 

Momma Dates. For several years now, I have made it a point to take each of my kiddos out on individual momma dates from time to time, where I can focus on each one, dive into deep one-on-one conversation, and have fun along the way! Last week, I had a Momma Date with Harrison, and this past Sunday, it was Banks and Raleigh's turns (Bella's is on the upcoming agenda!). The first part of the afternoon, I surprised Rals by taking her for manicures and milkshakes, and we girls had so much fun! She chose a purple polish with a flower painted on each of her middle fingers. I chose a color I am now obsessed with but can't seem to find anywhere: Power Clutch by Essie (let me know if you locate it!). Such a great date with my biggest girl. 

Then, I dropped her off at home and picked up Banks, so we could spend the rest of the afternoon at Carowinds, riding rollercoasters, playing games, and enjoying Brownie Bites Dippin' Dots. We had a ball! And it was so nice to get to focus on my biggest littles for the afternoon. <3

Butch and Deshaun. Earlier this week, two of our sweet neighbors spotted a baby squirrel (??) lying on the sidewalk after school. It was still alive, albeit barely, and with the help of a neighbor, we placed it back under the tree from which it fell. We crossed our fingers the momma would come back to save it. But alas, she did not. My hub (who is a much better human than me), rescued it, named it "Butch," and brought to our house later that evening. We syringe-fed it some milk, bathed it, and tucked it in. My kiddos prayed over it, and cried for it, and we held our breath. Sadly, Butch did not make it through the night. :( But, we know he's running wild in that big neighborhood in the sky. Rest in Peace, Butch. Over the next two days, we found two more squirrels. One had already passed away when we found it. But the other, who we named Deshaun (a la Deshaun Watson - who came from humble beginnings and was a fighter) was alive and in better shape than the other two. Despite our best attempts, he, too, passed away earlier today, just hours before we would take him to a wildlife rescuer we had contacted. :( Rest In Peace, fella. Hopefully, this will be the last of the Lu Crew Squirrel Chronicles. 

Entertainment. I wanted to update a couple of the things I am "Loving Lately": I finished a book my mom sent me in two days - it was not my typical read but it was absolutely captivating, and I could not put it down: Bird Box. AND I just started Girl, Wash Your Face (thank you, Kara! I am obsessed so far!!!) and Lord, Change My Attitude Before It's Too Late. Will report back!

Also, an update on tv viewing: Season 2 of The Sinner is out right now - it's on the USA network but you can watch it On Demand. And I am liking Season 2 even more than Season 1! Additionally, our friend recommended the show Safe, and it is really good (Thanks, Ryan - such a good rec!) - if you've seen Broadchurch on Netflix, it is similar and keeps you guessing. Definitely recommend! But my favorite show right now? Season 13 of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. :) 

Randomness. Let's see: We ordered and delivered Banks' birthday invitations yesterday, and I think they turned out so cute! Can't wait to share the party and deets once it has come and gone! It's a theme I haven't seen done before, but I think it'll be so fun! Oh, and speaking of Banks, he had to completely cover his writing notebook with photos, captions, and notes that inspire him. I can't be certain but I think the kid may love him some sports. ;) 

My sweet Raleigh came running to me the other day, so proud to show me what she had done: Left me sweet notes on my door, made my bed, and left me a snack to eat before bedtime. <3 The next day, she baked her first ever masterpiece ALL by herself: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins, and they were delish!! She was so excited for us to have them with dinner and to take one to her teacher the next day. 

Check out the official bowl holders #TeamworkMakesTheDreamwork

Raleigh also started jazz/hip hop, tumbling, and cheerleading this week, and is loving them all! She was even awarded the "spirit stick" at cheer practice after one of her practices. :) I cannot WAIT until her first game in just a few short weeks!!!

Please look at how Bella looks at her biggest brother. Swoon. (Also, she is continuing to do such a great job with school and has also been rocking her private therapies lately. Thank you to those who have reached out to ask about her and her adjustment <3 ). 

Oh, AND, she used the potty for the first time last night!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!! Not sure yet if it was a fluke, but we sure were excited!!!

Last year, I took the year off from doing much in the way of school volunteering so that I could focus on Bella's medical and developmental needs as well as my Lu Crew's transition into a family of six. It was hard to sit the year out, because I believe so strongly that every parent who is able should be helping out the teachers and schools in some way, shape, or form, however they can. This year, I am back in the saddle, and while yes, I only have about 90 minutes a day kid-free four days a week, it was important to me to help out at my kiddos' school at least one of those days. All that to say, you'll find me assisting Raleigh's teacher on Wednesday mornings this year, and this week, since Harrison hasn't started back to school yet, he got to accompany me for the job. He definitely made that day's work entertaining. ;) 

Finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and HAPPY RETIREMENT DAY to our beloved Nana. We love you so much and are so proud of, and excited for, you! My hub and Harrison made the trip to Aiken, South Carolina, to visit her at her last day of work earlier today to surprise her, and I hear she was quite surprised by her special visitors. Mission accomplished! :)

And that's all I've got this week, friends! I keep forgetting that this is a 3-DAY-WEEKEND (yahoo!!!). Couple that with the fact that our Clemson Tigers take the field for the first game of the 2018-19 season, and you've got one happy momma on your hands. Have an awesome Labor Day weekend, y'all, and GO TIGERS!!! 

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