Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cheers to the Weekend, September Summer Edition...on a Monday...errr, Tuesday ;)

Y'all. It's hot. And September is typically always still hot in the South; so, it shouldn't come as a surprise, but it's really hot this year. Like, 10 to 15-degrees above average hot. Bleeeeeeh. Fall, we are so ready for you! I'm not sure whether to pull out my swimsuit or my long cardigan. Please, Fall, the latter. 

An.y.who., we sure are happy to be welcoming in the weekend week again! Whoops! Meant to post this last Friday, and then yesterday, but here we are: Tuesday. So, a few things we are saying CHEERS to as we settle in for the week: 

Drama Queen, Bels edition. Bless it all, y'all. The Littlest Lu has been in rare form the last few weeks: think tantrums and non-compliance and all the drama. But, there have been sweet moments, too. Like when I got to take her to her friend's birthday party at the Charlotte Nature Museum last weekend. <3 Homegirl LOVED it! And I loved seeing her so enthralled and so happy (and local friends, it will be shutting down soon for a renovation so go while you still can!). 

Football, Season 1. Finally, after years of eager anticipation, Harrison had his first ever flag football game last Thursday night. He absolutely LOVED being on that field, and we loved cheering on our Jaguar! This kid, you guys. He would be clear across the field, and no less than five times, he proudly yelled as loudly as he could while waving with all his might, "HI MOM!!!!" Melt my heart. And THEN? Then he started cheering for one of his buddies, whom he was facing off against on the line of scrimmage: "Go Jamison!" he cheered, rooting on his opponent. So, so sweet. <3

And then, on Saturday, Banks had his first ever tackle football game! Although his team lost, he loved being on that field, and we are excited to see how much he learns and grows this season. Go Blue Dragons!

Marc Lapointe Golf. We are lucky to have a dear friend who just so happens to be an incredible golf pro and spends his days helping golfers of all ages improve their golf games. Local friends, SEEK HIM OUT!!! And currently, Banks is one of his lucky students! He has been participating in the current golf sessions every Thursday and started matches last weekend. And I may be biased, but I think Banks' official caddy is pretty darn handsome. ;) 

Lil' entreprenuers. We've talking to our kids a lot lately about giving back to others, and nothing made me prouder than to see Raleigh and Harrison set up their very own Toy Store, right at the end of our driveway, with plans to donate 100% of their proceeds to those in need. Only problem? Each item was $10. And by "item," I mean things like one Magnatile, one crayon, one plastic golf ball, one Slim Jim. Sweet kiddos had the right idea but the wrong merchandise and pricing. ;) SO, I told them we'll do a cupcake stand soon and donate 100% of those proceeds to the charity of their choosing. Will keep y'all posted as details come to light, local friends. :) 

Fun Run x4. Last Thursday was our school's annual fundraiser, the Boosterthon Fun Run. And try not to be too jeals, mommas, but I got to attend four.separate.fun.runs. in the 98-degree temps (but hear this: REAL FEEL WAS 106 DEGREES) because (1) my older three's runs were scheduled for three different sessions, and (2) for the first time ever, they decided to let the preschoolers participate in the Fun Run, too; hence, four separate fun runs. While I loved cheering on my little fundraising runners, I'm pretty sure I sweated out every ounce of water I've consumed over the last 30 days during Banks' color run in all that heat. Bless it all. 

Fun Run #1:

Fun Run #2:

Fun Run #3:

Fun Run #4:

Alright, y'all. It's time for this here momma to skedaddle. Have yourselves a great week, and I'll mosey back this way again sometime soon to share some things I've been Amazon Prime-ing lately!

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