Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Why, hello, Fall 2019ish (okay, technically it's still summer, but you know what I mean). Currently, I am...

Loving...my new plants! I'm planning to add more plants to our interior and wanted to start with these beauts. I bought the straw baskets from HomeGoods (I just snipped off the handles on each because I like them better handle-free ;)) and bought the plants from...QVC! Yep, they are fake! But all the reviews talked about how realistic they look and I have to agree! I am loving having these greens in my house and can't wait to add more. 

Reading...Beneath the Scarlet Sky. This is the book my Book Club selected for this month and y'all, I am loving it! I have been very into reading WWII literature this year, and this one has been fantastic so far. I'm not yet all the way through it, but I am really, really enjoying it so far. 

Waiting for...a fun trip my hub and I are taking in November. <3 Cannot wait!!! 

Excited about...all things Fall! Now, I love sweet summertime, but I also love all the fun that Fall brings: the football, the PSLs, the cooler temps (still waiting for those to consistently arrive), the apple cider donuts...I love it all. 

Trying to...be VERY intentional about what I say "Yes," and "No" to this year. Are y'all into the Enneagram? If so, and you know me, it should come as no surprise that I am a 3w2 (with some 1 tendencies thrown in there as well). In other words, a perfectionistic, routinized, list-loving (over)achiever who enjoys helping people and seeks approval via goal acquisition. Ummm....did they base those descriptions solely around me and my life? Hi, my name is Lindsay, and I am a self-diagnosed OCPD perfectionist who pursued an advanced degree in a helping field, maintaining a 4.0 average throughout while pushing myself beyond my limits in the hopes of gaining praise via my accomplishments and helping others. It may not be pretty...but it's true. 

SO, I am trying to base my choices right now on what is best for my fam and me, and not on what is going to allow for praise or accomplishment. That means saying "No" to opportunities and people I love, which is hard for this people-pleaser to do. But, as us 3s do, I am trying my best to do it well. ;) 

Working on...de-cluttering and purging! I have been using a good chunk of my kid-free time in the mornings organizing our home because (1) we have accumulated too much stuff that sits in pantries or drawers or closets, unused, that others could surely benefit from more from than us; and (2) we have some changes coming and I want an organized house before chaos arrives!

Enjoying...The three hours, four mornings a week, I get to myself. This is the first year all four of my babies are at the same school, which means I now have 12 solo hours to do with them what my heart desires. Whether it be getting in a good Barre3 workout, grabbing Starbucks with my hub, enjoying a leisurely walk with a friend, knocking out errands alone, meeting a momma bud for a Clean Juice, organizing my home, or anything else I choose, those 12 hours have been a nice change of pace for this momma. <3 

Watching...Queen of the South. My hub and I started this Netflix series this weekend, and while we are only two episodes in (and it can be gory and hard to watch), it's really good so far!

Using...our neighborhood Buy-Sell-Trade Facebook page on the reg. Recent purchases include diapers, a new rug for our back porch, shoes, clothes...you get the drift... ;) 

Wearing...well, soon to be wearing as soon as Fall temps arrive, the cutest new camo jacket I snagged at Target last week!

Planning...a different kind of celebration for our (almost!) 10-year-old! My hub and I decided a couple years ago to celebrate the big 1-0 (i.e., the arrival of double digits! Say it ain't so!) in a special way, which means Banks has a memorable celebration coming his way soon!

Singing...some new, favorite worship songs that seem to play on repeat in the ol' noggin these days. <3

Needing...to re-introduce dedicated quiet time into my days. I do much better when my life is routinized and habitualized (see Enneagram 3 description above); otherwise, the most important things to seem to take a backseat to other, seemingly more (albeit not) pressing things. I am currently doing a virtual book club with my church and we are studying an awesome parenting book called Parenting On Purpose by Amy Carney (SO good, y'all! Quick and easy to read with ways to immediately apply what is discussed) and already she has made mention that things on our daily "to do" lists seem to feel urgent but rarely they are - we just view them as that way and prioritize them as such. What should always be my first priority: daily time with Jesus. Amen. 

Listening to...Audible every time my feet hit the pavement for a run. I recently finished I Ain't Doin' It by Heather Land (loved it!!!!) and just recently started Columbine by Dave Cullen. Whew. This is a gritty one so far. Will report back...

Learning...that it has to be a daily practice for me to say to myself, "Be where your feet are," as much as necessary so as to focus on who I am with and be in the moment, not worrying about what's not in my control nor what others are doing. 

Doing...lots of driving this season! From football and golf to dance and gymnastics, our afternoons are often spent driving from one activity to another. BUT. I love the time I get with my s{quad} while driving from place to place - it allows me to hear all about their days and what's on their hearts. So, I don't take this time for granted at all, especially since their friend time is slowly rapidly eclipsing family time when it comes to their choice of free time during the week/ends. I'll take every sliver of time I can get as my Lu Crew grows up and out. <3

Wishing...happiest of birthdays to so many people I love this month! We have so many family birthdays in the month of September hat it feels like we are sending video messages or FaceTime love every other day this month! So, Happy, Happy Birthday to those celebrating birthdays this month! 

Dreaming of...Fall temperatures, have I mentioned that yet?! - layers in the mornings while sipping coffee on the back porch, sweaters in the evening while enjoying a glass of wine snuggled up on the couch. While I am thankful for the abundant sunshine our Lord has given us, I will gladly welcome in some cooler temperatures, too, as we walk through Fall 2019. Until then, I'll continue to pull out Fall decor and pretend it isn't 90 degrees. :) 

And that's how things are lookin' 'round here currently. :) 

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