Thursday, August 16, 2012


Anyone who has a toddler knows that it’s true. Kids say the darndest things. My almost 3-year-old, Banks, is no exception; so, I have been compiling a list of what my hub and I like to call “Banksisms.” Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show:

Banks: “I hurt my feelings”
Hub: “How’d you do that?”
Banks: “I fell down.”

(After being given some money to put in his piggy bank)
Daddy: "Banks, what are you gonna buy with all that money?"
Banks: "More piggy banks."

(Banks, pretending to be a doctor, tells Daddy he’d like to give him a haircut)
“Buddy, doctors don’t cut hair.”
Banks: “Yes they do.”
Hub: “Since when?”
Banks: “Friday.”

Banks: “Damn it.”
Hub: “No buddy. Don’t say that.”
Banks: “Only you?”

(I was stopped by Banks in the middle of singing his current favorite song, "Baby Beluga)
Banks: "No mommy. You're not singing people good."

Momma: "Banks, don't use that bat. That bat makes me nervous."
Banks: "That bat makes me not nervous." 

Momma:  "Banks, do you like being in Ladybugs?" (i.e., the name of his new classroom)
Daddy: "He's not a LADYbug."
Banks: "No, I'm a Ladyboy."

Man, I love my Banks. More Banksisms coming soon...

(P.S. All of the pictures in this post taken by the amazing Lindsay Thalinger Photography)

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