Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Lucky One

Have you ever been lucky enough to know someone who:
  • changes lives on a daily basis, leaving a lasting impact on anyone who is lucky enough to cross paths with her?

  • was born to be a mother, more so than anyone you've ever known…including yourself?

  • makes you want to be a better person, move mountains, change the world, simply by being in her presence, without her even realizing it?

  • supports the dreams of those around her, even when her own aren't always realized?

  • loves with every ounce of everything she's got...and then some...?

  • is brave enough to confront you when she knows you are hiding something and then supports you as you attempt to overcome it?

  • recognizes, and remembers, what others would believe are small moments but she knows are actually monumental occasions in your life?

  • loves your babies almost as much as you do?

  • stands up for those she loves, even when it means standing alone?

  • is always, ALWAYS there when no one else in the world knows how much you need it?

I have. 

She is my sister.

And I love her more than words. 

Aren't I the lucky one?

1 comment:

  1. No, my Lu - I am the luckiest of all. I am who I am in large part due to you and what you've always been to me.
    Love YOU more than words.
