Sunday, August 5, 2012

Houses, Houses, and More Houses

To say this was a whirlwind weekend would be like calling the Olympics little league games. 


Cue to Saturday morning, 9:00 am, when we began what would become a 9-hour house hunt that would involve viewing countless houses (Literally. I lost count. It was a lot.) that we had narrowed down from the hundreds we have previewed over the last few weeks thanks to the online real estate world and lots of emailed options from our real estate agent. Our search spanned two states as we went hunting for our home, the one we plan to be in until our kids graduate high school. 

We saw houses with great lots but poor floor plans; houses with great floor plans but poor lots; rural houses; centrally located houses; houses in new neighborhoods; houses in older neighborhoods; houses at the low end of our budget; houses at the tip top of our budget. You name it. We saw it. 

By 6:00 pm Saturday night, we were tired. 


We were also really, really excited. Because, among the many houses we saw, we found what we were looking for. Now, admittedly, despite our extensive search, we didn't find a house that had 100% of exactly what we were looking for. There were conversations about renting for a year and building, but we really want to avoid that route if possible. Honestly? By lunchtime Saturday, we were feeling pretty disheartened. However, a few hours later, we found a house with 90% of what we were looking for, and we are good with that. Because the 90% it does have is pretty awesome.

So, I am very happy to report that, as of tonight (or maybe tomorrow? My hub kindly handles these types of things), we are now on the "buyer side" of the great house hunt. We are making an offer on a house. Now, we wait. 

A lot of things are going to have to fall into place for all of this to work out, and I am really nervous about the whole process (The current state of my mind: What if the offer on our current home falls through? What if the house we want doesn't come to fruition, but our current home does, and we are homeless? What if they accept our offer but can't close in time for us to move in by the time we have to leave our current home? And on. And on. And on.) 

For now, I will try to remain calm (ha!) and have faith that things will work out just as they should. 

Oh, and for anyone who is interested, I guess I should share where we are actually hoping/planning/praying/intending to move next month? 

Greenville? No. As charismatic as I think the town is, and as much as I love the friends we have there, this is just not the place for us. It's hard to put it into words. It's just not for us. 

Charlotte? Not really. We will be very close to downtown Charlotte (15 minute drive I think?) but we ultimately decided that we didn't want to be right in the heart of Charlotte. Close? Yes. Smack in the middle of the action? No. Avoid the Charlotte taxes? Definitely.

So...drum roll please...We made an offer on a house in...

Fort Mill, South Carolina.

Yep. Back to South Cackalacki we (hopefully) go. 

I don't want to share too much about the house details just yet (even though I am busting at the seams to post pics, pics, and more pics!), but I will say again that we are excited. Really excited. And it just feels like this is where we are supposed to be. 

So, stay tuned. And say a prayer (pretty please).

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