Friday, March 21, 2014

Coffee Date Friday: Hello Spring Edition

Howdy, friends! Thanks for stopping by Coffee Date Friday (via link up with Rags to Stitches), where we pretend we're meeting face-to-face for a little coffee, catch up, and conversation. 

Were we to meet on this, the first Friday of Spring 2014 (YAHOO!!!), I would first ask about YOU. I'd want to hear about your week, both the highs and lows, 'cause life ain't always a series of highs, amIright?! I would lend my psychologist ear and supportive friendship and try to just be present as you told me all things you. And then I would share the following highs and lows about me: 

...That being very pregnant as a stay-at-home momma to two littles is hard, especially with a hub who still has to travel overnight most weeks. And it's getting harder by the minute. Honestly, it's not even the nausea that has re-surfaced, the extreme fatigue that now dictates my days, nor the gigantic belly I am already sporting (with 5 more weeks, still, of growing to go) that makes it so hard, although those things are certainly no walk in the park. It is my decreased patience that often defines my mood that I blame on the fact that I just don't feel well, I just don't feel like me, most of the time these days. It is my inability to crawl around on the floor with babies, instead having to play from a seated position on the couch with a pillow supporting the weight of my belly. It is my having to hand over all bathing, and often bedtime, duties to my hub, who doesn't complain about any of it, but also thus having me miss out on those moments with my duo because my body just physically can't stand up any longer. I am ready to feel like me again. Yes, a sleep-deprived, multi-multi-tasking momma of three, but ME again. You woman who love being pregnant? Well, I'm happy for you. As for me? I am happy to be bringing this sweet miracle in my belly to this world. I am blessed to be in my third trimester and pregnant with a third healthy baby. I am a lucky, lucky momma. And I fully recognize that. But. I am also a momma who is ready to welcome this new addition to our family, feel like my old self again, and begin our new normal. 

...That, on a much lighter and happier and higher note, this girl just makes my day. I have been trying to minimize any errand running while Banks is in school so she and I can just soak up our one-on-one time together before our new baby arrives. This smart little cookie knows her colors, can recognize the numbers 1 through 10 as well as many letters by sight, and loves nothing more than making up songs, dancing her heart out, and taking care of her babies. I just adore my middle little!

...That speaking of little girls, my littlest sister found out last week she's having a baby GIRL!!! Ahhh!!! I can't wait to meet her! This also means that IF we have a girl, Banks will be the only grandson on my side of the family. Will he be that our-numbered? OR will he have a little brother so he's not the only boy? We will soon be able to share that little tidbit of information... ;)

...And also? That we had an AWESOME first teeball game last weekend. Banks had a great cheering section, with lots of family members in attendance to see his 2014 teeball debut. It was a beautiful afternoon and the perfect way to kick off our new season.

...That I am headed to the outlets this weekend to try to finish up the bulk of the Spring/Summer shopping for my kiddos. I now do this twice a year, trying to bargain hunt but also find cute clothes. Lucky for us, we live an hour from some awesome outlets, and I will be going there for some solo Momma time this weekend. And, even more luckily, there are brand new outlets being built in Charlotte, which should be done late summer, which means my Fall/Winter outlet trip later this year will only be about a 15-20 minute drive. Score!

...That March Madness has begun! Even though I don't enjoy watching college basketball during the regular season, I love filling out brackets and following my teams in the NCAA tourney. Here's hoping one of my two brackets wins out this year! 

...That, although I am not one who typically posts solo selfies, I got my hair did last week--a little more blonde to welcome the Spring/Summer seasons. I had highlights for 10 years but went back to brunette shortly after having Banks for ease of upkeep. I may be crazy putting some blonde back in right before welcoming baby número tres, but oh well.

...That my hub and I will be volunteering in our church nursery this Sunday for the last time until Baby Lu arrives! Wow--I feel like I was just barely sporting a bump yesterday and now we are doing a lot of "lasts" before the baby comes.

...That, if you were looking for us yesterday or need us today or tomorrow, you'll have to head outdoors! Now that yesterday, today, and tomorrow hold the promise of beautiful, Spring weather (yippee!), we pretty much camp out outside from the second it is warm enough to head out without jackets and stay until nap time and then again after waking, until dinner time. Sports play, sliding and swinging, bubble-chasing, sidewalk-chalk writing, neighborhood walks, you name it, we do it. We are filling our cups to the brim with Vitamin D, and my little family loves nothing more than soaking up all this sunshine!

And then, with all that being said, I would offer a resounding "Cheers!" to a beautiful weekend full of lots of fun with family and friends amongst the great outdoors. Have a great one!

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